Alaska Software Inc. - XbpFileDialog() start at
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AuthorTopic: XbpFileDialog() start at
Itai Ben-ArtziXbpFileDialog() start at
on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 01:02:51 -0700
Can XbpFileDialog() be directed (start at) specific path or folder?

Many thanks,
Carlos A Beling Re: XbpFileDialog() start at
on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 11:45:16 -0300
HI Itai.
Good day.
Take a look at XbpFileDialog:open() and see if it is what you are 
lokking for.


On 24/06/2020 05:02, Itai Ben-Artzi wrote:
> Hi,
> Can XbpFileDialog() be directed (start at) specific path or folder?
> How?
> Many thanks,
> -Itai
Itai Ben-ArtziRe: XbpFileDialog() start at
on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 11:36:53 -0700
Thank you, Carlos!!
That is exactly what I miss reading in the docs.
Osvaldo RamirezRe: XbpFileDialog() start at
on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 09:07:19 -0600
On 24/06/20 2:02, Itai Ben-Artzi wrote:
> Hi,
> Can XbpFileDialog() be directed (start at) specific path or folder?
> How?
> Many thanks,
> -Itai

   oFileDlg := XbpFileDialog():new()
   oFileDlg:defextension := "xml"
   ofileDlg:restoredir := .T.
   ofileDlg:filefilters := {{"Archivos de xml","*.xml"}}
   oFileDlg:title := "Seleccione el archivo XML"
   oFileDlg:create( oDlgMainScreen )
   cFile := oFileDlg:saveas("f:\cfd\")  <= Seleccion de folder inicial

Osvaldo Ramirez