Alaska Software Inc. - Information about BAP.LIB and BAP.DLL
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AuthorTopic: Information about BAP.LIB and BAP.DLL
Frits Janse KokInformation about BAP.LIB and BAP.DLL
on Mon, 08 Aug 2022 13:59:52 +0200

I hope that someone can tell me where I can find information about 
Bap.lib and Bap.dll

I have an older program where the functions are used.

Kind regards.
Frits Janse Kok
Matej JuracRe: Information about BAP.LIB and BAP.DLL
on Tue, 09 Aug 2022 08:01:40 +0200
c:\alaska\bap\ file with general info

It was included original distribution when it was still

(it looks that it is lost somehow for distribution)

There is general information, more collection of how to than full 

Mind you will have to get version that corresponds to xpp compiler version.

Check if you have it

Frits Janse Kok je 8.8.2022 ob 13:59 napisal:
> Hi,
> I hope that someone can tell me where I can find information about 
> Bap.lib and Bap.dll
> I have an older program where the functions are used.
> Kind regards.
> Frits Janse Kok
Matej JuracRe: Information about BAP.LIB and BAP.DLL
on Tue, 09 Aug 2022 08:23:38 +0200

Quick Google-Fu returns page with several (old) relases of bap

But links seems behind un/pw protected FTP

c:\alaska\bap\ file with general info

It was included original distribution when it was still

(it looks that it is lost somehow for distribution)

There is general information, more collection of how to than full 

Mind you will have to get version that corresponds to xpp compiler version.

Check if you have it

Frits Janse Kok je 8.8.2022 ob 13:59 napisal:
> Hi,
> I hope that someone can tell me where I can find information about 
> Bap.lib and Bap.dll
> I have an older program where the functions are used.
> Kind regards.
> Frits Janse Kok