Alaska Software Inc. - :genCode error number
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AuthorTopic: :genCode error number
Carlos A Beling :genCode error number
on Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:17:21 -0300
good evening.
I tried to open a DBF using DbUsearea() using a wrong DBE and I got te 
oError:genCode == 404. I looked for what it means and I found nothing.
Please, what that error means and what is the :gencode that is generated 
in this case?
Another question: when XPP_ERR_OPEN is generated when trying open an 
file already open in exclusive mode? In this case, what oErr:osCode 

Jim LeeRe: :genCode error number
on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 00:52:46 +0100

> I tried to open a DBF using DbUsearea() using a wrong DBE and I got te
> oError:genCode == 404. I looked for what it means and I found nothing.
> Please, what that error means and what is the :gencode that is generated
> in this case?
> Another question: when XPP_ERR_OPEN is generated when trying open an
> file already open in exclusive mode? In this case, what oErr:osCode
> contains?

Field errors (Presumably DBE specific):
404  *  ---                           Unknown/Illegal field type

Carlos A Beling Re: :genCode error number
on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 16:38:32 -0300
Hi Jim:
good evening.
Many thanks.
I am trying to know if a DBF could not be opened by the used DBE.


On 21/02/2020 20:52, Jim Lee wrote:
> hi,
>> I tried to open a DBF using DbUsearea() using a wrong DBE and I got te
>> oError:genCode == 404. I looked for what it means and I found nothing.
>> Please, what that error means and what is the :gencode that is generated
>> in this case?
>> Another question: when XPP_ERR_OPEN is generated when trying open an
>> file already open in exclusive mode? In this case, what oErr:osCode
>> contains?
> Field errors (Presumably DBE specific):
> 404  *  ---                           Unknown/Illegal field type
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: :genCode error number
on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 11:39:49 -0500

>I tried to open a DBF using DbUsearea() using a wrong DBE and I got te 
>oError:genCode == 404. I looked for what it means and I found nothing.

GenCode 404 means: Unknown/Illegal field type

>Please, what that error means and what is the :gencode that is generated 
>in this case?

GenCode will be 404, and it means that the DBE you used (probably DBFDBE) 
can't handle the existing field type(s) (which probably require FOXDBE).

>Another question: when XPP_ERR_OPEN is generated when trying open an 
>file already open in exclusive mode? In this case, what oErr:osCode 

In that case, the OS Error is usually 32: Sharing violation

Which is more precisely: ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION -- "The process cannot 
access the file because it is being used by another process."

For a (more or less) comprehensive list of error codes and error messages, 
see here:

Hope that helps,


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Absolute Software, LLC

phone: (989) 723-9927
Carlos A Beling Re: :genCode error number
on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 16:41:27 -0300
Hi Andreas.
Good evening.
Many thanks again and again.


On 22/02/2020 13:39, Andreas Gehrs-Pahl wrote:
> Carlos,
>> I tried to open a DBF using DbUsearea() using a wrong DBE and I got te
>> oError:genCode == 404. I looked for what it means and I found nothing.
> GenCode 404 means: Unknown/Illegal field type
>> Please, what that error means and what is the :gencode that is generated
>> in this case?
> GenCode will be 404, and it means that the DBE you used (probably DBFDBE)
> can't handle the existing field type(s) (which probably require FOXDBE).
>> Another question: when XPP_ERR_OPEN is generated when trying open an
>> file already open in exclusive mode? In this case, what oErr:osCode
>> contains?
> In that case, the OS Error is usually 32: Sharing violation
> Which is more precisely: ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION -- "The process cannot
> access the file because it is being used by another process."
> For a (more or less) comprehensive list of error codes and error messages,
> see here:
> Hope that helps,
> Andreas