Alaska Software Inc. - Re: Set Optimize On/Off
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AuthorTopic: Re: Set Optimize On/Off
Kevin ThomasRe: Set Optimize On/Off
on Sun, 24 Feb 2019 01:21:31 -0500
Has the issues with Set Optimize been resolved.  I have turn that feature 
off and I am wondering if it now safe to turn it on.


"Maurizio"  wrote in message 

Il /03 mar 2009/, Joe Carrick ha scritto:

> Is there any good reason to use "SET OPTIMIZE OFF" ?
> Under what circumstances would it be desireable?

According to some posts, SET OPTIMIZE ON could cause instability and
'internal data structure corrupted'.

Try a search in newsgroup about this error.
Jim LeeRe: Set Optimize On/Off
on Mon, 25 Feb 2019 01:19:50 +0100

> Try a search in newsgroup about this error.

look at Alaska PDR

 7055 WO       Using an alias expression in DbSetFilter() causes IDSC
 6289 WC       Fatal Error: "Error within error handling!"
 6184 WO       ADSDBO_REFRESHRECORD default value wrongly documented
 5998 WO       Function CharRepl returns empty string when out of memory
 5981 WO       ADSDBE does not support data typeless join operator ";"
 5457 WO       Spontaneous Program Termination (SPT), Strategies
 5249 WO       SET FILTER with $ operator fails using simple strings
 5227 WO       CDXDBE fails on SET FILTER TO with $ operator
 5133 WO       SET FILTER raises IDSC if alias name is invalid
 5116 WO       IDSC on Seek using UDF in Filter and Index expression
 5024 OW       PRIVATE vars in optimized filter expression not supported
 5023 WO       dbSetFilter()/dbClearFilter() eats up memory
 5008 WO       SET FILTER with negated compound expression fails
 5007 WO       SET FILTER with a substr() in the expression ignores .NOT.
 5001 WO       SET FILTER  with a substring of the indexed field fails
 4971 WO       DbSkip(0) might hang the application
 4848 WC       NTXDBE: multiuser access leads to application hang up
 4766 WC       SET FILTER raises IDSC
 4748 WC       dbGoto() may be ignored on pending APPEND BLANK
 4657 OW       LOCAL vars in optimized filter expression are not supported
 4643 WC       some filter expressions lead to unexpected app termination
 4637 WC       RUSHMORE: SET FILTER may return wrong results if .NOT. used
 4623 WC       SET FILTER does return wrong results with $ operator
 4516 WC       # operator not handled correct in 1.7 beta-2
 4494 WC       DbSetFilter raises IDSC if unnec. parenthesis are in expr.
 4418 WC       IDSC on SET FILTER TO
 1294 WC       KEYBOARD is missing in the OnlineDocs


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