Alaska Software Inc. - re : Pound Sign and Char 194
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AuthorTopic: re : Pound Sign and Char 194
Chris Palmerre : Pound Sign and Char 194
on Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:16:48 +0200
Hello, strange problem, I have the following sample code in 2 separate PRG 
files.  Running it in one of the functions produces the pound sign, in the 
other file it adds chr(194) before the pound sign !!!

I've simplified it down to this code, EXACTLY the same in both PRGs, copied 
and pasted

Any ideas - it makes no sense at all

FUNCTION TestFunction01() 
    set alternate to ("c:\temp\test01.csv")
    set alternate on
    set console off  

    ? "£"
    set alternate to
    set alternate off
    set console on

    return .t.