| Author | Topic: Soft returns in memo and memoedit() behavior |
| Tim Callahan | Soft returns in memo and memoedit() behavior
on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:18:50 -0700Hello,
I have files with memo fields whose contentes are created with Clipper
MEMOEDIT() function.
These memos have soft returns (chr(141)_chr(10)) embedded in them,
presumabley from the action of Clippers MEMOEDIT() when autowraps
occur in the editing window.
When doing an xBase MEMOEDIT() on these values and then saving them
the 141's are converted into underscores (chr(195)) and the line feeds
(chr(10)) remain.
This is causing frmatting issues when handling these memos in xBase.
Anyone have any experience with anything like this or other
inconsistencies with the memoedit() functions?
Tim |
| Tim Callahan | Re: Soft returns in memo and memoedit() behavior
on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:22:47 -0700Oops, underscore s/b chr(95) not chr(195)
On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:18:50 -0700, Tim Callahan wrote:
>I have files with memo fields whose contentes are created with Clipper
>MEMOEDIT() function.
>These memos have soft returns (chr(141)_chr(10)) embedded in them,
>presumabley from the action of Clippers MEMOEDIT() when autowraps
>occur in the editing window.
>When doing an xBase MEMOEDIT() on these values and then saving them
>the 141's are converted into underscores (chr(195)) and the line feeds
>(chr(10)) remain.
>This is causing frmatting issues when handling these memos in xBase.
>Anyone have any experience with anything like this or other
>inconsistencies with the memoedit() functions?
>Tim |
| Pascal Boivin | Re: Soft returns in memo and memoedit() behavior
on Thu, 19 Jul 2018 22:17:10 +0200I simply do this before using the memo
mvar := STRTRAN(mvar,CHR(141) + CHR(10),"")
Over time those CHR(141) disappear from the database. |
| Tim Callahan | Re: Soft returns in memo and memoedit() behavior
on Fri, 20 Jul 2018 15:08:26 -0700Thanks for the input.
I wrote a program to process all fo the memo fields in the database
and do just this.
I had to also replace chr(95)+chr(10) as for some reason the soft
returns are being converted to chr(95) when read from the database.
I'm using ADS so perhaps that part is related to ADS.
On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 22:17:10 +0200, Pascal Boivin wrote:
>I simply do this before using the memo
>mvar := STRTRAN(mvar,CHR(141) + CHR(10),"")
>Over time those CHR(141) disappear from the database. |
| Tim Callahan | Re: Soft returns in memo and memoedit() behavior
on Fri, 20 Jul 2018 15:51:56 -0700Just for kicks here's the code:
FOR i := 1 TO 255
IF ! empty(alias())
Get a list of the memo field numbers
aMemoFields := {}
FOR j := 1 TO fcount()
IF valtype(fieldget(j))='M'
IF len(aMemoFields)>0
do while ! eof()
FOR k := 1 TO len(aMemoFields)
cMemo := fieldget(aMemoFields[k])
cMemo := strtran(cMemo, chr(141)+chr(10),'')
cMemo := strtran(cMemo, chr(95)+chr(10),'')
if rlock()