Alaska Software Inc. - Specify Font in Hybrid mode ?
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AuthorTopic: Specify Font in Hybrid mode ?
Bengt OveliusSpecify Font in Hybrid mode ?
on Mon, 05 Feb 2024 17:58:21 +0100
I have some database browse programs made in XBASE, Hybrid mode.
Suddenly, with a new PC, the font is not "ALASKA CRT" anymore.

Any suggestions how to solve it ?
It is all about "Umlauts"  .... åäöÅÄÖ.....   To get them correct

SET CHARSET doesn't seem to work
Does the problem originates in Windows?

The lines of code below works for Graphic Mode but not for Hybrid Mode.
oFont := XbpFont():new()  Create XbpFont object
oFont:familyName := "Alaska CRT"  Describe font
oFont:height := 16
oFont:width := 8
oFont:create()  Create font
GraSetFont ( , oFont )  Select font
GraStringAt( , {10,300}, "Font_åäöÅÄÖ" )  Output characters

Thanks indeed for any suggestion, Best regards, Bengt Ovelius