Alaska Software Inc. - xBase++ not compatible with Server 2016
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AuthorTopic: xBase++ not compatible with Server 2016
Itai Ben-ArtzixBase++ not compatible with Server 2016
on Wed, 14 Nov 2018 00:15:13 -0800
Microsoft changed the registration of default printer in Server-2016.

Terminal-Server 2016 register the default-printer for each user at
(xxxxxx=session number for each login user), but xBase still reads it
from the old HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
(which is the correct locations for all previous versions of Windows).
Is there a way to fix this incompatibility while maintaining the
correct read for older versions of Windows?

On the same note, how can I call the API GetDefaultPrinter() ?

Many thanks,

Itai Ben-ArtziRe: xBase++ not compatible with Server 2016
on Wed, 14 Nov 2018 20:46:35 -0800
Ignore this thread!
This is a bug in Server-2016.
I applied a PS script to fix this bug.