Alaska Software Inc. - Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
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AuthorTopic: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
KikiObject inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Thu, 15 Jan 2004 14:40:49 +1300

I posted the first time in the wrong group and was pointed here - sorry if
you read some of these points in the other group.

The object inspector has a drop-down box to select an object to view, but
on my system, if the mouse is moved outside the original rectangle (i.e:
to select an option) the drop down rectangle disappears!  The only way to
select an object is to drop down the box, and use the arrow keys.
Also, the object inspector always seems to list the cargo variable twice,
once with a nil value, and once with the actual value.

I think it would be a nice feature to see some kind of change on the tab
of a file that has changed, so you can see in one glance how many files
need saving (sometimes you accidentally hit a key and modify a file you
never meant to...)

If the project file contains references using drive letters, it complains
about a missing file, for example:

Sometimes (but not always) the IDE will jump to the front when it gets
the focus.  Since I use Xmouse-style focus, this causes a problem for
me... an option to disable any auto-raising code would be useful (I can't
understand why it sometimes does NOT auto-raise, or under which conditions).

Finally, the ctrl-click feature is very useful, except it will not jump
to definitions in other files in the project, only within the same PRG
or a #included file.
Steffen F. Pirsig [Alaska Research]Re: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:24:09 +0100
Hi Kiki,

> I think it would be a nice feature to see some kind of change on the tab
> of a file that has changed, so you can see in one glance how many files
> need saving (sometimes you accidentally hit a key and modify a file you
> never meant to...)
Yes, I also found myself to walk through all the tabs to get a climpse
which files where modified. So your are right with your observation.
I added this feature-change to our whish-list.

> Finally, the ctrl-click feature is very useful, except it will not jump
> to definitions in other files in the project, only within the same PRG
> or a #included file.
This is already on our todo-list, as a matter of fact the feature
is currently broken. As it is designed, it should provide you
the ability to jump anywhere in your project and to any
header-file included in your project.

Steffen F. Pirsig,

Alaska Research & Development
Fax:       +49/(0)6196/779999-23
Till WarwegRe: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:31:59 +0100
"Kiki" <kiki@not.a.real.address> wrote in message
> The object inspector has a drop-down box to select an object to view, but
> on my system, if the mouse is moved outside the original rectangle (i.e:
> to select an option) the drop down rectangle disappears!  The only way to
> select an object is to drop down the box, and use the arrow keys.
> Also, the object inspector always seems to list the cargo variable twice,
> once with a nil value, and once with the actual value.

Kiki, so far, I haven't seen either behaviour. What platform/OS are you
using? Did you download the latest VX revision (should be 2.0.335,
please see Help -> About)?

What utility and/or setting are you using to achieve that X-style
focus management?

> Sometimes (but not always) the IDE will jump to the front when it gets
> the focus.  Since I use Xmouse-style focus, this causes a problem for
> me... an option to disable any auto-raising code would be useful (I can't
> understand why it sometimes does NOT auto-raise, or under which
> conditions).

"Move IDE to front" should be configurable, I agree. I have put this
on our ToDo lists. As to why this behaviour seems to be inconsistent,
it's because of OS restrictions. Recent OS releases impose some
restrictions on what a process is allowed to change in a user's
window arrangement. During debugging, the debuggee's application
type (PM/VIO) seems to make a difference. Consoles (which are
created/maintained by the OS) introduce yet another layer of
complexity and, among other things, also introduce the question
of window ownership. We'll investigate this issue.

  Till Warweg

ARD - Alaska Research & Development


PS. Both your e-mail address and your "nick" have the faint smell
of being inventions. Would you mind changing them? I understand
this might be due to spam issues but personally, I like to know who
I'm talking to. Alternatively, please consider "signing" your postings.
KikiRe: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Mon, 19 Jan 2004 11:34:37 +1300
Hi Till,

> Kiki, so far, I haven't seen either behaviour. What platform/OS are you
> using? Did you download the latest VX revision (should be 2.0.335,
> please see Help -> About)?
> What utility and/or setting are you using to achieve that X-style
> focus management?

I am using 2.0.335, under Windows XP (SP1).  The X-mouse focus comes from
TweakUI (Microsoft Powertoys).  Just as I read your questions, I tried
disabling the X activation, and the drop down box problem went away...  I
guess it's a focus issue.  I don't have this problem with combo boxes in
other apps - I'll try a test app with an XBase combo box and see if I have
the same problem with that.

The dual cargo seems to come up every time I select "self" as the object to
inspect, on my tree and listbox controls.  These are the only controls I
have active in my program, so I'm not sure if it happens to others.  Is it
possible this has to do with the way I use/configure the controls?  I only
set the cargo to a string, but I am using my own subclasses of the
treeview and treeviewitems.

> "Move IDE to front" should be configurable, I agree. I have put this
> on our ToDo lists. As to why this behaviour seems to be inconsistent,
> it's because of OS restrictions. Recent OS releases impose some
> restrictions on what a process is allowed to change in a user's
> window arrangement. During debugging, the debuggee's application
> type (PM/VIO) seems to make a difference. Consoles (which are
> created/maintained by the OS) introduce yet another layer of
> complexity and, among other things, also introduce the question
> of window ownership. We'll investigate this issue.

I have noticed the IDE is less likely to jump to the front if I have a
command prompt active.  Also, after using the debugger for a while, the
IDE seems to stop raising until the next day.  The existence of the
console isn't the only factor, as I launch VX from a console to start
Till WarwegRe: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Mon, 19 Jan 2004 10:21:10 +0100
"Kiki" <kiki@not.a.real.address> wrote in message
> I am using 2.0.335, under Windows XP (SP1).  The X-mouse focus
> comes from TweakUI (Microsoft Powertoys).  Just as I read your
> questions, I tried disabling the X activation, and the drop down box
> problem went away...  I guess it's a focus issue.  I don't have this
> problem with combo boxes in other apps - I'll try a test app with an
> XBase combo box and see if I have the same problem with that.

Okay, I'll try and see if we can reproduce this here.

> I have noticed the IDE is less likely to jump to the front if I have a
> command prompt active.  Also, after using the debugger for a while, the
> IDE seems to stop raising until the next day.  The existence of the
> console isn't the only factor, as I launch VX from a console to start
> with.

"...Seems to stop raising until the next day", I like that . I'll
look into it!


ARD - Alaska Research & Development

Andreas Herdt Re: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Fri, 16 Jan 2004 14:20:13 +0100
Kiki wrote:
> If the project file contains references using drive letters, it complains
> about a missing file, for example:
> 'c:\alaska\xbase\projects\test\x:\otherdir\file'

Do you mean that VX tries to open a file with the path:


If this is the case I would really like to see how your project file
looks like.

   Andreas Herdt
   [Alaska Research & Development]
KikiRe: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Mon, 19 Jan 2004 11:51:07 +1300
Hi Andreas,

> Do you mean that VX tries to open a file with the path:
>    c:\alaska\xbase\projects\test\x:\otherdir\file

Yes, that's right.  There are actually two slightly different problems,
described below.

> If this is the case I would really like to see how your project file
> looks like.

Create a project file like this:


Run pbuild /g to generate the extra info, and create two very basic prg
files.  Open the XPJ in VX.  It looks fine at first glance, but:

Try to open the node for other.prg - you get the error message (it prepends
the project directory to the full "q:\libdir" filename).  Try to compile,
and it compiles the file successfully, but it looks in q:\libdir for the
OBJ file, and can't find it, even though the VX-modified project file does
not include Q:\libdir on the line for the OBJ.  Here is my post-VX XPJ
after this process:

    DEBUG         = yes
    VERSION       = 2.0


    COMPILE       = xpp
    DEBUG_SAVE    = yes
    GUI           = no
    LINKER        = alink
    LINK_FLAGS    =
    RC_COMPILE    = arc
    RC_FLAGS      = /v

This problem only occurs when the drive letter in question is different
to the one the XPJ is stored on.  If project.xpj and MAIN.PRG are on
Q: drive, VX figures out relative paths for the nodes and works fine.
KikiRe: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Thu, 19 Feb 2004 17:07:25 +1300
> Try to compile,
> and it compiles the file successfully, but it looks in q:\libdir for the
> OBJ file, and can't find it, even though the VX-modified project file does
> not include Q:\libdir on the line for the OBJ.

On further testing, this looks like a PBUILD issue, and is quite easily
solved in both PBUILD and VX by adding OBJ_DIR = . to the file by hand...

VX still won't open the file though, constructing that invalid pathname.
Andreas Herdt Re: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:07:42 +0100
Hi Kiki,

Sorry for the late answer, I have been somehow busy yesterday.

Kiki wrote:

>>Try to compile,
>>and it compiles the file successfully, but it looks in q:\libdir for the
>>OBJ file, and can't find it, even though the VX-modified project file does
>>not include Q:\libdir on the line for the OBJ.
> On further testing, this looks like a PBUILD issue, and is quite easily
> solved in both PBUILD and VX by adding OBJ_DIR = . to the file by hand...

This is absolutely right.

> VX still won't open the file though, constructing that invalid pathname.

Yes, I could reproduce this behaviour and put it to the list of known 
issue to fix for next release.

This problem true only for opening files by doubleclick. You can open
the file whith File->open menu.

   Andreas Herdt
   [Alaska Research & Development]
PoliticallyIncorrect Re: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Sat, 31 Jan 2004 07:27:32 -0700
problem might be , the date of your message is 02-18-04, there fore your 
issue has not occured yet, so I would not be concerned,

Kiki wrote:

>>Try to compile,
>>and it compiles the file successfully, but it looks in q:\libdir for the
>>OBJ file, and can't find it, even though the VX-modified project file does
>>not include Q:\libdir on the line for the OBJ.
> On further testing, this looks like a PBUILD issue, and is quite easily
> solved in both PBUILD and VX by adding OBJ_DIR = . to the file by hand...
> VX still won't open the file though, constructing that invalid pathname.
KikiRe: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Mon, 02 Feb 2004 12:16:54 +1300
> problem might be , the date of your message is 02-18-04, there fore your
> issue has not occured yet, so I would not be concerned,

I was messing around with the date on my computer, testing some Office
macros that function based on the date.  It's very disconcerting to
always see the same messages at the bottom of my Sent Items email folder,

Since I have an excuse to post, I'll just say that I didn't want to fill
up the newsgroups with thank you notes, so a big THANK YOU to the Alaska
guys who took note of the issues I mentioned (Andreas, Till, and Steffen),
and the nameless heroes no doubt working behind the scenes 
Phil Ide
Re: Object inspector, file tabs, drive letters, auto-raise and ctrl-click
on Fri, 16 Jan 2004 13:43:50 +0000

> If the project file contains references using drive letters, it complains
> about a missing file, for example:
> 'c:\alaska\xbase\projects\test\x:\otherdir\file'

Seeing as that is an illegal path, I'm not surprised.


Phil Ide

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