Alaska Software Inc. - VT100
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AuthorTopic: VT100
Itai Ben-ArtziVT100
on Thu, 01 Oct 2020 10:15:47 -0700
The last email from Alaska (What's in the September update) mentions
VT100.  Where can I read/learn about this feature?
Many thanks,
Matej JuracRe: VT100
on Fri, 02 Oct 2020 13:53:36 +0200
documentation - nada.

But I found two files:

Include file named ""

and a source file that uses it in 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Alaska Software\workbench20\templates\stdioexe\main.prg

It is more or less working example, everything that it does comes from that include file and it does produce valid output.

Itai Ben-Artzi wrote in message
>The last email from Alaska (What's in the September update) mentions
>VT100.  Where can I read/learn about this feature?
>Many thanks,