Hi Andreas,

Thanks for the insight, I didn't know that!


Rens Zwanenburg
Op 18-5-2016 om 13:11 schreef Andreas Gehrs-Pahl:

#ifdef _XB20_ // workaround (PDR 6739)
When I compile with XBase 2.0, I define _XB20_, so the 'Chr(0)'
gets added.
You could simply use the built-in define constant XPPVER in your
code, which 
could look something like this:

#if XPPVER > 2000000    // workaround (PDR 6739)

That way, you don't have to create a new define constant. Instead
of version 
2000000, you could be even more specific, and use 2000482, as most
like new Function Names, etc., were introduced in build 2.00.483.

Hope that helps,
