Alaska Software Inc. - XbpSLE Numeric Field
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AuthorTopic: XbpSLE Numeric Field
Itai Ben-ArtziXbpSLE Numeric Field
on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 02:08:02 -0700
Does anyone have a sample of XBPSLE object that correctly handles
numeric (pictured) field in a responsive way for all changes (e,g,,
DEL, INS, BkSP, Mark and replace, etc.)?

Many thanks,
Carlos Beling Re: XbpSLE Numeric Field
on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 08:42:25 -0300
Good day Itai.
It has the XbpGet.prg in ..\Xbase++\Source\Samples\Solution\Xbpget (may 
be you want to make some customization of XbpGet.prg and XbpGetC.prg).
It has too Phil Ide's SlePic.prg.


Em 22/03/2023 06:08, Itai Ben-Artzi escreveu:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have a sample of XBPSLE object that correctly handles
> numeric (pictured) field in a responsive way for all changes (e,g,,
> DEL, INS, BkSP, Mark and replace, etc.)?
> Many thanks,
> -Itai
Itai Ben-ArtziRe: XbpSLE Numeric Field
on Wed, 22 Mar 2023 15:11:39 -0700
Thank you, Carlos.
The XbpGet works fine for entering a whole number, but does not handle
well modification/editing of a populated field.  Maybe someone got it
to work right or use HTML instead of the limited Keyboard() events.
Matej JuracRe: XbpSLE Numeric Field
on Thu, 23 Mar 2023 08:55:33 +0100
Might just use TopDown Library that is open sourced at:!/#topdown

TopDown has all you need and more for free. Those samples that come with installation of xbase are imho suboptimal .

It is that or just get Express++ from Mr.Donnay which works very well.

Itai Ben-Artzi wrote in message
>Does anyone have a sample of XBPSLE object that correctly handles
>numeric (pictured) field in a responsive way for all changes (e,g,,
>DEL, INS, BkSP, Mark and replace, etc.)?
>Many thanks,