Alaska Software Inc. - corrupted dbf file structure
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AuthorTopic: corrupted dbf file structure
Tomasz Adamczykcorrupted dbf file structure
on Wed, 17 Feb 2016 14:05:15 +0100
if the file.dbf is corrupted and open it as follows

bl:=errorblock({|e| break(e)})
ok:= .f.
begin sequence
  dbusearea(.t. , 'c:\data\file.dbf' , 'file', .t.)
  ok:= .t.

if !ok
   msgbox('Error opening file: file.dbf')

the file is open and there is no way to close it. it seems to me that it 
should be automatically closed if it has a bad structure.

Tomasz Adamczyk
Matej JuracRe: corrupted dbf file structure
on Wed, 17 Feb 2016 15:19:41 +0100
You have error in function call, because in place of driver you put in a filename

dbusearea(.t. , 'c:\data\file.dbf' , 'file', .t.)

this should be for default driver
dbusearea(.t. , ,'c:\data\file.dbf' , 'file', .t.)


Tomasz Adamczyk wrote in message
>if the file.dbf is corrupted and open it as follows
>bl:=errorblock({|e| break(e)})
>ok:= .f.
>begin sequence
>  dbusearea(.t. , 'c:\data\file.dbf' , 'file', .t.)
>  dbselectarea('file')
>  ok:= .t.
>if !ok
>   msgbox('Error opening file: file.dbf')
>the file is open and there is no way to close it. it seems to me that it 
>should be automatically closed if it has a bad structure.
>Tomasz Adamczyk
Tomasz AdamczykRe: corrupted dbf file structure
on Wed, 17 Feb 2016 16:01:54 +0100
of course. mistake only in my post. In source is OK.
thx for your answer.

Użytkownik "Matej Jurac" napisał w wiadomości grup 

You have error in function call, because in place of driver you put in a 

dbusearea(.t. , 'c:\data\file.dbf' , 'file', .t.)

this should be for default driver
dbusearea(.t. , ,'c:\data\file.dbf' , 'file', .t.)


Tomasz Adamczyk wrote in message
>if the file.dbf is corrupted and open it as follows
>bl:=errorblock({|e| break(e)})
>ok:= .f.
>begin sequence
>  dbusearea(.t. , 'c:\data\file.dbf' , 'file', .t.)
>  dbselectarea('file')
>  ok:= .t.
>if !ok
>   msgbox('Error opening file: file.dbf')
>the file is open and there is no way to close it. it seems to me that it
>should be automatically closed if it has a bad structure.
>Tomasz Adamczyk
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: corrupted dbf file structure
on Wed, 17 Feb 2016 18:23:34 -0500

>if the file.dbf is corrupted and open it as follows
>the file is open and there is no way to close it. it seems to me that it 
>should be automatically closed if it has a bad structure.

What do you mean with "corrupted" and "there is no way to close it"? Can you 
post a "corrupted" file and a compilable program that shows the issue?

In general, I would change your code to something like this:

LOCAL bl := ErrorBlock({|e| Break(e)})
LOCAL ok := .f.
   Begin Sequence
      DbUseArea(.t., , 'c:\data\file.dbf', 'file', .t.)
      ok:= .t.
   Recover Using oError
*     Write the oError (and other) info to your Error Log here...
      MsgBox('Error opening file: file.dbf')
   End Sequence

   if ok
*      More code here...

I use a similar (though more complex) routine to open database files, and I 
don't think that I have seen any issues with handling corrupted Databases 
(or Index files) with it.

Hope that helps,


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Absolute Software, LLC

phone: (989) 723-9927