Alaska Software Inc. - StarLite Update
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AuthorTopic: StarLite Update
Nestor G. TorresStarLite Update
on Fri, 03 Feb 2017 07:14:27 +0200
Hi All

Just finished with some updates to my StarLite project (CXP). The main 
store logo can now collapse so that the User's of StarLite get more 
landscape to have a better view of merchandise, without having to scroll 
up and down to much as demonstrated on my small clip. Also the StarLite 
web page owner can have up-to 10 bulletin points scrolling at the top of 
their web page; announcing things like opening and closing times, or new 
products coming in, or other services offered. Well that has been me for 
the past few weeks. Have a play on my demo StarLite web site by visiting ... Note StarLite is full of many good 
features just click around to explore. Heck I'm just having fun 
exploring what this Internet thing can do. I also have a few clients 
currently running StarLite which gives me some purpose. Oh well, while 
I'm at it ... just to let you know I have over 40 years experience in 
the IT industry. From being a low level programmer to project management 
of major systems in the South African gold mining industry and health 
care ... as well as others.

Review attached video clip

Kind regards
