Hi Nevzat,
you can to use this code
Function OpenFileAsCmd( cFile, nComo, bBlock, cOper, cParam )
Local nDll
nComo := If( (nComo = NIL), SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, nComo )
cOper := If( (cOper = NIL), 'open', cOper )
los valores posibles de cOper son : open, print, edit, explore, find
nDll := DllLoad( 'SHELL32.DLL' )
dllCall( nDll, DLL_STDCALL, 'ShellExecuteA',, cOper, cFile, cParam,,
nComo )
dllUnLoad( nDll )
Return ( NIL )
With this code you can open any file as in the console,
which has a program associated with it that allows it to be opened
best regards
"Nevzat Kanbur" escribió en el mensaje de
How can I use runshell to view acrobat pdf files (acrobat already
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