Alaska Software Inc. - How to include a New Line on Excel file using ActiveX ?
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AuthorTopic: How to include a New Line on Excel file using ActiveX ?
Osvaldo L AokiHow to include a New Line on Excel file using ActiveX ?
on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 14:28:17 -0300

   Any people knows how do include a new line on Excel file...?

   Or, what is the method and parameters to include a new line...?

Pascal BoivinRe: How to include a New Line on Excel file using ActiveX ?
on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:15:47 +0200
oExcel := CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oBook  := oExcel:workbooks:Open("YourDBF.DBF")
oSheet := oBook:ActiveSheet
//Insert a blank line before the header

Replace "1" with the row you want to move down.
Osvaldo L AokiRe: How to include a New Line on Excel file using ActiveX ?
on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 16:54:19 -0300
Hi Pascal,

    Thanks a Lot !


"Pascal Boivin" escreveu na notícia da

oExcel := CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oBook  := oExcel:workbooks:Open("YourDBF.DBF")
oSheet := oBook:ActiveSheet
//Insert a blank line before the header

Replace "1" with the row you want to move down.