Alaska Software Inc. - Face extraction
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AuthorTopic: Face extraction
Jose Antonio Diego KerejeFace extraction
on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:09:01 +0100
Has anyone used an sdk for face (head) extraction from images or webcam ?

Any recommendations?

Regards. Diego

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de virus.
Jose Antonio Diego KerejeRe: Face extraction
on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:10:00 +0100
Finally, I have done some tests to integrate fdlib.dll from Wolf Kienzle.
Here's the test framework I developed.
(to compile ot4xb is required, adapt the path in Faces.prg)

Thanks to Jack Duijf and Pablo Botella for their excellent XbpWebcam sample.

Regards. Diego

PS: It's been fun !!!
Jose Antonio Diego KerejeRe: Face extraction
on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 09:28:57 +0100
A small change ...

Regards. Diego


Osvaldo RamirezRe: Face extraction
on Thu, 11 Nov 2021 17:01:34 -0700
On 11/11/21 16:35, Jonathan Leeming wrote:
> On 11/11/2021 11:31 AM, Osvaldo Ramirez wrote:
>> On 18/03/15 2:28, Jose Antonio Diego Kereje wrote:
>>> A small change ...
>>> Regards. Diego
>> Estimado Diego, buenas tardes.
>> Referente a este ejemplo, he intentado con camaras web integradas, al 
>> parecer si se conecta pero solo aparecen  pantalla negras.
>> Te ha sucedido algo asi ?
>> -------
>> Regarding this example, I have tried built-in web cameras, but 
>> apparently it doesn't work; Connects but black screen appears.
>> Has something like this happened to you?
>> Gracias de antemano
>> Saludos
>> Osvaldo Ramirez
> Hi Osvaldo,
> Try disabling your antivirus.  On my laptop if I don't, the program runs 
> but no image.  Once disabled, I have my camera image and it will capture 
> my face.
> Regards... Jonathan
Thanks Jonathan

I already did, disable microsoft AV, without success, I will try wih 
another webcam

Osvaldo Ramirez
Jim LeeRe: Face extraction
on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 23:35:27 +0100

Sample use avicap32 and it have "Right" Problem with my Table PC and its CAM
under Windows 10 / 11
IMHO avicap32 work until Windows 7 and only "older" CAN use that Way

to avoid those "Rights" Problem you can use "DirectShow" like VLC does.
you can "open" CAM as "Input" and make a Snapshot.

! Note : VLC will "show" Command-line so you need no ActiveX (only when use
"intermal" Snapshot)
i "just" use "PrintScreen" and "cut out" Part of Screen with Image i want. 

Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.
Jonathan LeemingRe: Face extraction
on Sat, 13 Nov 2021 07:43:56 -0700
On 11/12/2021 3:35 PM, Jim Lee wrote:
> hi,
> Sample use avicap32 and it have "Right" Problem with my Table PC and its CAM
> under Windows 10 / 11
> IMHO avicap32 work until Windows 7 and only "older" CAN use that Way
> to avoid those "Rights" Problem you can use "DirectShow" like VLC does.
> you can "open" CAM as "Input" and make a Snapshot.
> ! Note : VLC will "show" Command-line so you need no ActiveX (only when use
> "intermal" Snapshot)
> i "just" use "PrintScreen" and "cut out" Part of Screen with Image i want.
> ---
> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

I tested the Faces.exe program on Windows 10 1909 without issue except 
for the disabling of my AV.  Certainly not the latest Windows version so 
perhaps it is a version issue for later versions.  We have a Kandao 
conference cam at work that is not currently supported for Windows newer 
than 1909 but that is due to a drivers issue.

Regards... Jonathan
Jose Antonio Diego KerejeRe: Face extraction
on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 18:14:37 +0100

I have not monitored this forum for a long time. Today have accessed by chance 
and I have seen this old thread reactivated.

At that time I checked the many incompatibilities when using avicap32 in the 
different systems and I replaced it with the VideoCapX control for access to the 
webcam. Since then we continue to use this face capture option with very little 


Jim LeeRe: Face extraction
on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 05:28:03 +0100