Alaska Software Inc. - Sharing Violation
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AuthorTopic: Sharing Violation
Carlos A Beling Sharing Violation
on Fri, 29 May 2009 12:29:32 -0300
good afternoon.

I am having a serious problem of sharing violantion (DosError 32) as 
. finishing the main system I close all databases (DbCommitAll() adn 
DbCloseAll() )
. folowing I execute a command like the RUN command (SwpRunCmd() of 
Blinker) for executing a DOS program
. when the called program tries open its first DBF it cn not because 
occurs a NetErr() with DosError() showing 32.
. I use in the initial execution bat the command  "net config server 
/autodisconnect:-1  > nul" (without the inverted commas)
Even I RUN the command above in the loaded program the error coccurs.
Can one help me solve this problem?
