Alaska Software Inc. - JSON2Var
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AuthorTopic: JSON2Var
Adam MesterJSON2Var
on Fri, 11 Aug 2017 14:53:53 +0200

I want to ask if it is possible with Xbase++ 2.0 (Build 2.00.817) to convert a
JSON string to a DataObject and how?

I see there is the reverse function Var2JSON() and it works as expected. The
existence of this function is mentioned only on the "Home page" of the
documentation, but nowhere else in details.

On the "Home page" it says: "Use Var2JSON() and jQuery.parseJSON(data); in
your mobile or web app to transform your Xbase++ objects into Javascript objects."

I see that in the Workbench I can add the jQuery as an asset to my project but
how can I use jQuery.parseJSON(data) in my project - or any other method that
converts JSON to DataObject.

Thanks in advance.
Peter NagyRe: JSON2Var
on Wed, 18 Sep 2019 12:53:14 +0200

"or any other method that
converts JSON to DataObject."
You can use my class that is convert json to DataObject.

In the qsjson.prg there is a function Sample(), which is read the 

[],"erkezesiDatum":1567503750000,"feladoNev":"Nemzeti AdĂł- Ă©s 
Vámhivatal","feladoRovidNev":"NAV","cimzettNev":"DR. SIMKÓ 
CSABA","cimzettRovidNev":"DR. SIMKĂ“ 
nyugta","dokumentumLeiras":"1908, Elfogadott bizonylat nyugta (18414020), 
2019.08.01-2019.08.31, \"Erzsébet Hospice Alapítvány 

Sample function:
   local loJson, loItems
   local lsStr

   loJson  := QsJson():new( memoread("C:\MyApp\sample.json") )
   loItems := loJson:GetTree()
   for i:=1 to len(loItems:uzenetek) //uzenetek is inside the json

      lcDocLeiras := loItems:uzenetek[i]:dokumentumLeiras 
//dokumentumLeiras is inside the json's uzenetek array
      MsgBox("doc description: " + lcDocLeiras);

So you can refer to any json as you expected, can use arrays also. But it 
is far from perfect (error text and some variables is in hungarian 
language), known issues:
-If your json starts with array like: [{}], you just need to wrap the 
array in some variable, like: {thisisthearray:[{}]}, and now it works, you 
just need to go inside the variable, like thisisthearray[1]:something
-If string has ' or " characters, that will not work. So you need to do 
something like:
cStr := StrTran(cStr, "\'")
cStr := StrTran(cStr, '\"')
to remove the ' or " characters (which is encoded \' and \" inside the 

Maybe this is helping you.

Peter AlderliestenRe: JSON2Var
on Thu, 19 Sep 2019 10:15:14 +0200

> I want to ask if it is possible with Xbase++ 2.0 (Build 2.00.817) to convert a
> JSON string to a DataObject and how?
> I see there is the reverse function Var2JSON() and it works as expected. The
> existence of this function is mentioned only on the "Home page" of the
> documentation, but nowhere else in details.

Both functions are documented in the Help-file: Var2json() and Json2var()
The support an Array and a Dataobject als primary input
They also have two accompanying functions: JsonEncode() and JsonDecode()
for encoding and decoding character strings.
