Alaska Software Inc. - XMLSimpleParser
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AuthorTopic: XMLSimpleParser
Scott KriseXMLSimpleParser
on Wed, 28 Apr 2021 13:31:03 -0400
Hello Everyone,

I'm attempting to use the XMLSimpleParser for the first time and I have a 

So I have an xml file I want to use. I am opening the file using the 
following syntax:

nXMLDoc := XmlDocOpenFile(nXMLFileName)

This step opens the file as expected and returns me the file handle into 
nXMLDoc . Now I am trying to use this file within the XMLSimpleParser, but 
this function wants a textual representation of the file I just opened, not 
the file handle. How can I extract the data from the file so it can be used 
within the parser?


Osvaldo RamirezRe: XMLSimpleParser
on Wed, 28 Apr 2021 12:58:23 -0600
On 28/04/21 11:31, Scott Krise wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm attempting to use the XMLSimpleParser for the first time and I have 
> a question.
> So I have an xml file I want to use. I am opening the file using the 
> following syntax:
> nXMLDoc := XmlDocOpenFile(nXMLFileName)
> This step opens the file as expected and returns me the file handle into 
> nXMLDoc . Now I am trying to use this file within the XMLSimpleParser, 
> but this function wants a textual representation of the file I just 
> opened, not the file handle. How can I extract the data from the file so 
> it can be used within the parser?
> Thanks,
> Scott


I use this code just for READ XML not to take an ACTION over it.

But some times work other not.

cText := memoread( cXMLfile )

 We nee to put this at the begin of the xml text.
cText := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'+crlf+cText

   oXML := XmlSimpleParser( cText )

   oComprobante := oXml:Comprobante
   oRelacionados:= oXML:Comprobante:CfdiRelacionados
   oEmisor      := oXml:Comprobante:Emisor
   oReceptor    := oXml:Comprobante:Receptor
   oConceptos   := oXml:Comprobante:Conceptos
   oImpuestos   := oXml:Comprobante:Impuestos
   oComplemento := oXml:Comprobante:Complemento



Osvald Ramirez
Scott KriseRe: XMLSimpleParser
on Wed, 28 Apr 2021 17:06:20 -0400
Thanks Osvaldo, that was very helpful!

"Osvaldo Ramirez" wrote in message 

On 28/04/21 11:31, Scott Krise wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm attempting to use the XMLSimpleParser for the first time and I have a 
> question.
> So I have an xml file I want to use. I am opening the file using the 
> following syntax:
> nXMLDoc := XmlDocOpenFile(nXMLFileName)
> This step opens the file as expected and returns me the file handle into 
> nXMLDoc . Now I am trying to use this file within the XMLSimpleParser, but 
> this function wants a textual representation of the file I just opened, 
> not the file handle. How can I extract the data from the file so it can be 
> used within the parser?
> Thanks,
> Scott


I use this code just for READ XML not to take an ACTION over it.

But some times work other not.

cText := memoread( cXMLfile )

 We nee to put this at the begin of the xml text.
cText := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'+crlf+cText

   oXML := XmlSimpleParser( cText )

   oComprobante := oXml:Comprobante
   oRelacionados:= oXML:Comprobante:CfdiRelacionados
   oEmisor      := oXml:Comprobante:Emisor
   oReceptor    := oXml:Comprobante:Receptor
   oConceptos   := oXml:Comprobante:Conceptos
   oImpuestos   := oXml:Comprobante:Impuestos
   oComplemento := oXml:Comprobante:Complemento



Osvald Ramirez
Osvaldo RamirezRe: XMLSimpleParser
on Thu, 29 Apr 2021 10:41:58 -0600
On 28/04/21 15:06, Scott Krise wrote:
> Thanks Osvaldo, that was very helpful!
> "Osvaldo Ramirez" wrote in message 
> news:6ebf7b21$aaf4a13$
> On 28/04/21 11:31, Scott Krise wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I'm attempting to use the XMLSimpleParser for the first time and I 
>> have a question.
>> So I have an xml file I want to use. I am opening the file using the 
>> following syntax:
>> nXMLDoc := XmlDocOpenFile(nXMLFileName)
>> This step opens the file as expected and returns me the file handle 
>> into nXMLDoc . Now I am trying to use this file within the 
>> XMLSimpleParser, but this function wants a textual representation of 
>> the file I just opened, not the file handle. How can I extract the 
>> data from the file so it can be used within the parser?
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
> Scott
> I use this code just for READ XML not to take an ACTION over it.
> But some times work other not.
> cText := memoread( cXMLfile )
>  We nee to put this at the begin of the xml text.
> cText := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'+crlf+cText
>   oXML := XmlSimpleParser( cText )
>   oComprobante := oXml:Comprobante
>   oRelacionados:= oXML:Comprobante:CfdiRelacionados
>   oEmisor      := oXml:Comprobante:Emisor
>   oReceptor    := oXml:Comprobante:Receptor
>   oConceptos   := oXml:Comprobante:Conceptos
>   oImpuestos   := oXml:Comprobante:Impuestos
>   oComplemento := oXml:Comprobante:Complemento
> ....
> Osvald Ramirez


More info.

Nodes with one child VS nodes with more the one child

XML piece of code XML to see :



	<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="51161800" 
NoIdentificacion="7501001147594" Cantidad="1" ClaveUnidad="H87" 
ALCANFOR TIMOL MENTOL 20 CAJ" ValorUnitario="14.77" Importe="14.77">
				<cfdi:Traslado Base="14.77" Impuesto="003" 	TipoFactor="Tasa" 
TasaOCuota="0.080000" Importe="1.18" />
<cfdi:Traslado Base="14.77" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" 
TasaOCuota="0.000000" Importe="0.00" />


	<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="53131622" 
NoIdentificacion="7501080950139" Cantidad="1" ClaveUnidad="H87" 
BLI" ValorUnitario="29.37" Importe="29.37">

				<cfdi:Traslado Base="29.37" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" 
TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="4.70" />



The node cfdi:Conceptos has two nodes ( Concepto )

  oConceptos   := oXml:Comprobante:Conceptos   get the note as object

So :

?  valtype( oConceptos:concepto )  this is array of two elements

But if the there was only one node, then the return of valtype() is an 
object and not an array of objects.

Osvaldo Ramirez