Alaska Software Inc. - SOAP client for confirms the VAT number in Europe
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AuthorTopic: SOAP client for confirms the VAT number in Europe
Mario GarritanoSOAP client for confirms the VAT number in Europe
on Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:42:25 +0100
Hello everyone,
I am trying to use a SOAP service that confirms the VAT number in Europe. It
exists in .
Now, if I use it as the SOAP examples I get a string "soap:Client" with no
other content.
What is the error?
Thank you all

Boris BorzicRe: SOAP client for confirms the VAT number in Europe
on Wed, 25 Nov 2015 18:43:07 +0100
Mario Garritano wrote in

> I am trying to use a SOAP service that confirms the VAT number in
> Europe. It exists in
> . Now,
> if I use it as the SOAP examples I get a string "soap:Client" with no 
> other content.

Here is a working example that uses the Xb2.NET library:

oSoap := xbSOAPEnvelope():new()
oSoap:NameSpace := ""
oSoap:SetVar("countryCode", upper(trim(cCode)))
oSoap:SetVar("vatNumber"  , upper(trim(cVat)))

oResult := oSoap:Execute( 

? oResult:getVar()

More info on Xb2.NET here:

Best regards,
Boris Borzic
industrial strength Xbase++ development tools
Damir HodakRe: SOAP client for confirms the VAT number in Europe
on Thu, 26 Nov 2015 12:09:47 +0100
On Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:42:25 +0100, Mario Garritano wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to use a SOAP service that confirms the VAT number in Europe. It
> exists in .
> Now, if I use it as the SOAP examples I get a string "soap:Client" with no
> other content.
> What is the error?
> Thank you all

Hi Mario!
I use following code and it works for me.

#pragma library( "ascom10.lib" )

#define VIES_URL            ''

#define CRLF    Chr(13) + Chr(10)

oXmlHttp := CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
oXmlHttp:Open( "POST", VIES_URL, .F. )
oXmlHttp:SetRequestHeader( "SOAPAction", VIES_URL )
oXmlHttp:Send("<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='' xmlns:urn='" + VIES_SOAP_NAMESPACE + "'>" + CRLF + ;
                 "<soapenv:Header/>" + CRLF + ;
                 "<soapenv:Body>" + CRLF + ;
                 "   <urn:checkVat>" + CRLF + ;
                 "      <urn:countryCode>" + cVIESCountryCode + "</urn:countryCode>" + CRLF + ;
                 "      <urn:vatNumber>" + cVIESVATNumber + "</urn:vatNumber>" + CRLF + ;
                 "   </urn:checkVat>" + CRLF + ;
                 "</soapenv:Body>" + CRLF + ;
                 "</soapenv:Envelope>" + CRLF)

result is in oXmlHttp:responsexml:xml

