Alaska Software Inc. - Multi Core USING with one EXE
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AuthorTopic: Multi Core USING with one EXE
Daniel FausMulti Core USING with one EXE
on Mon, 27 Apr 2020 20:04:24 +0200
Hi everyone...

I noticed that when I'm reindexing a DBF file the CPU is full 100%, but 
only one core, the other cores are not used.

When I execute an EXE this use one core too, but I don't know haow to 
use the other cores at the same time, I can choose the core that I'm 
going to use, but I would like to use 2 or 3 cores to do some tasks that 
need more.

Can I do this?

Right now I'm selecting the core to start my app, from 2 to max, I keep 
first core to do operating system processes

 Uso de otro procesador logico para descarga del principal...
If GetLogicalProcessorCount() > 1
    nCPU := RandomInt(2,GetLogicalProcessorCount() )
    SetLogicalProcessor( nCPU )    Aleatorio hasta el maximo de CPU ...
    nCPU := 1

But I want to use 2 or more cores to do the same process, like reindex...

The only way I think to do this operations is to open new threads, but 
each thread use only one core...     Thread():new()

Many thanks

Jan EscholtRe: Multi Core USING with one EXE
on Mon, 27 Apr 2020 20:29:15 +0200
Xbase++ programs can only use one core. You can choose witch one, but 
only one.


Am 27.04.2020 um 20:04 schrieb Daniel Faus:
> Hi everyone...
> I noticed that when I'm reindexing a DBF file the CPU is full 100%, but 
> only one core, the other cores are not used.
> When I execute an EXE this use one core too, but I don't know haow to 
> use the other cores at the same time, I can choose the core that I'm 
> going to use, but I would like to use 2 or 3 cores to do some tasks that 
> need more.
> Can I do this?
> Right now I'm selecting the core to start my app, from 2 to max, I keep 
> first core to do operating system processes
>  Uso de otro procesador logico para descarga del principal...
> If GetLogicalProcessorCount() > 1
>     nCPU := RandomInt(2,GetLogicalProcessorCount() )
>     SetLogicalProcessor( nCPU )    Aleatorio hasta el maximo de CPU ...
> Else
>     nCPU := 1
> EndIf
> But I want to use 2 or more cores to do the same process, like reindex...
> The only way I think to do this operations is to open new threads, but 
> each thread use only one core...     Thread():new()
> Many thanks
> Daniel