Alaska Software Inc. - E-mail charset problem still
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AuthorTopic: E-mail charset problem still
Peter KujbusE-mail charset problem still
on Fri, 23 Jul 2010 11:09:44 +0200
Hi all!

We have a problem with the charsets still.

We're using ISO-8859-2 Central European charset for hungarian special
characters, but sending emails with AsiNet1.90.0331.dll they appers wrong.

For example in Outlook format:
cMessage:="rvztr tkrfrgp"

We use this format, but the dll decodes it wrong, and removes all of the
charset specs.

Attached filenames includes these chars too, and the same problem:
Webmail clients (,, etc.) can't process
these filenames because of the spec. charset (not defined charset).

For example attached file: rlista_08.06.23.xls
with Outlook correctly:
Content-Type: application/;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;

with Alaska(AttachFile()) without any charset:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Type: application/msexcel;

What we need:
How can we set spec.(ISO-8859-2) charset for email subject and attached

Thanks for any help,
Andreas HerdtRe: E-mail charset problem still
on Tue, 27 Jul 2010 09:23:22 +0200
Peter Kujbus schrieb:
> Hi all!
> We have a problem with the charsets still.
> We're using ISO-8859-2 Central European charset for hungarian special
> characters, but sending emails with AsiNet1.90.0331.dll they appers wrong.
> For example in Outlook format:
> cMessage:="árvíztûrõ tükörfúrógép"
> oMail:SetSubject("=?ISO-8859-2?B?"+ToBase64(cMessage)+"?=")
> We use this format, but the dll decodes it wrong, and removes all of the
> charset specs.
> Attached filenames includes these chars too, and the same problem:
> oMail:AttachFile("Tájékoztató.doc")
> Webmail clients (,, etc.) can't process
> these filenames because of the spec. charset (not defined charset).
> For example attached file: árlista_08.06.23.xls
> with Outlook correctly:
> ------=_NextPart_000_009C_01C8D541.7F647660
> Content-Type: application/;
>  name="=?iso-8859-2?Q?=C1rlista_08.06.23.xls?="
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
>  filename="=?iso-8859-2?Q?=C1rlista_08.06.23.xls?="
> with Alaska(AttachFile()) without any charset:
> ---------Boundary576822008062408-29-17
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Type: application/msexcel;
>  name="árlista_08.06.23.xls"
> What we need:
> How can we set spec.(ISO-8859-2) charset for email subject and attached
> filenames?
> Thanks for any help,
> Szolex

Hi Peter,

The problem you are describing seems to be known as PDR 6192.
Downloading Hotfix Rollup #23 should solve the issue.

With my best regards,

   Andreas Herdt
   Alaska Software


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