Alaska Software Inc. - Tool Bar
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AuthorTopic: Tool Bar
Simon Burford, Uluru SupportTool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:52:53 +0000
IMHO, the Toolbar in the editor is waaay too big. Why three whole rows of
the screen and the second row is mainly taken up with a big yucky looking
long raised block?!?
I don't even use the toolbar so tried to make it smaller by removing it's
buttons. As I removed each button the others just bunched up into a 3x3
square at the left hand side of the toolbar and when all buttons were
removed I end up with a three rows deep toolbar with nothing on it except
the horrible raised block!!!

I want the toolbar to either completely go away or only be one row deep.
Otherwise the editor is three rows smaller than it should be 

Simon Burford
Uluru Database Support

Download the latest version of Uluru Professional, Pro
Database Manager for xBase++ from
PoliticallyIncorrectRe: Tool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 07:10:10 -0700
Hum, My guess that Static SQUARE is going to be something some day when it
grows up

My guess is theres going to be some population growth on that and I am
certain they will deal with the Static Mountain, in the mean time there are
3d glasses you can buy which will flatten the topography in the interum


"Simon Burford, Uluru Support" <> wrote in message
> IMHO, the Toolbar in the editor is waaay too big. Why three whole rows of
> the screen and the second row is mainly taken up with a big yucky looking
> long raised block?!?
> I don't even use the toolbar so tried to make it smaller by removing it's
> buttons. As I removed each button the others just bunched up into a 3x3
> square at the left hand side of the toolbar and when all buttons were
> removed I end up with a three rows deep toolbar with nothing on it except
> the horrible raised block!!!
> I want the toolbar to either completely go away or only be one row deep.
> Otherwise the editor is three rows smaller than it should be 
> -- 
> Simon Burford
> Uluru Database Support
> Download the latest version of Uluru Professional, Pro
> Database Manager for xBase++ from
Thomas Braun Re: Tool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 20:06:37 +0100

> Hum, My guess that Static SQUARE is going to be something some day when it
> grows up
> My guess is theres going to be some population growth on that and I am
> certain they will deal with the Static Mountain, in the mean time there are
> 3d glasses you can buy which will flatten the topography in the interum

ROFL... thanks for this, uhhm, "contribution" 

I think we need a soapbox section over here where we can fl'up2 in case of
thread drift 

David BrayRe: Tool Bar
on Sun, 25 Jan 2004 07:04:57 +1000
I hate these

what does ROFL mean ?

"Thomas Braun" <> wrote in message
> PoliticallyIncorrect:
> > Hum, My guess that Static SQUARE is going to be something some day when
> > grows up
> >
> > My guess is theres going to be some population growth on that and I am
> > certain they will deal with the Static Mountain, in the mean time there
> > 3d glasses you can buy which will flatten the topography in the interum
> ROFL... thanks for this, uhhm, "contribution" 
> I think we need a soapbox section over here where we can fl'up2 in case of
> thread drift 
> Thomas
Joe Carrick - The ManiaccRe: Tool Bar
on Sat, 24 Jan 2004 13:19:20 -0800
Rolling On the Floor Laughing


"David Bray" <> wrote in message
> I hate these
> what does ROFL mean ?
> "Thomas Braun" <> wrote in message
> news:4cdaw89izlf6$.diowlo46xr5e$
> > PoliticallyIncorrect:
> >
> > > Hum, My guess that Static SQUARE is going to be something some day
> it
> > > grows up
> > >
> > > My guess is theres going to be some population growth on that and I am
> > > certain they will deal with the Static Mountain, in the mean time
> are
> > > 3d glasses you can buy which will flatten the topography in the
> >
> > ROFL... thanks for this, uhhm, "contribution" 
> >
> > I think we need a soapbox section over here where we can fl'up2 in case
> > thread drift 
> >
> > Thomas
David BrayRe: Tool Bar
on Sun, 25 Jan 2004 20:18:34 +1000
Ok thats funny, but at least i don't feel dumb not knowing it

"Joe Carrick - The Maniacc" <> wrote in message
> Rolling On the Floor Laughing
> =|:,)
> "David Bray" <> wrote in message
> news:Afts42r4DHA.2012@S15147418...
> > I hate these
> >
> > what does ROFL mean ?
> >
> > "Thomas Braun" <> wrote in message
> > news:4cdaw89izlf6$.diowlo46xr5e$
> > > PoliticallyIncorrect:
> > >
> > > > Hum, My guess that Static SQUARE is going to be something some day
> when
> > it
> > > > grows up
> > > >
> > > > My guess is theres going to be some population growth on that and I
> > > > certain they will deal with the Static Mountain, in the mean time
> there
> > are
> > > > 3d glasses you can buy which will flatten the topography in the
> interum
> > >
> > > ROFL... thanks for this, uhhm, "contribution" 
> > >
> > > I think we need a soapbox section over here where we can fl'up2 in
> of
> > > thread drift 
> > >
> > > Thomas
> >
> >
Thomas Braun Re: Tool Bar
on Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:42:47 +0100
David Bray:

> I hate these
> what does ROFL mean ?
see also

David BrayRe: Tool Bar
on Tue, 27 Jan 2004 09:16:54 +1000
I've got the hang of english now
- xbase is comming along
-- i have the lawns to mow next
--- the kids want to go to the beach
---- i have to tidy the garage
----- i want to go to the pub to meet marty
------ the cricket is on tv
---------- I just found out the phone can store pictures of the kids to show
my mum !

WWWE (whats wrong with english)

"Thomas Braun" <> wrote in message
> David Bray:
> > I hate these
> > what does ROFL mean ?
> see also
> HTH 
> Thomas
Claudio Driussi Re: Tool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:19:23 +0100
Simon Burford, Uluru wrote:

> IMHO, the Toolbar in the editor is waaay too big. Why three whole rows of
> the screen and the second row is mainly taken up with a big yucky looking
> long raised block?!?

I agree with you, it is waste of space for editor, i never use tool bars
in apps, i prefere menu commands or keyboard shortcuts so in every
programs i hide toolbars, but in VX i don't use it and i can't hide it.

Garry Allen Re: Tool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 10:36:15 -0500
I'm really happy with what has been accomplished so far but add my vote 
to being able to collapse the Toolbars. Probably one reason I'm happy is 
the similarity to Delphi (which I've used for a number of years) but one 
Delphi feature missing is the ability to make the editor full screen.

Simon Burford, Uluru Support wrote:
> IMHO, the Toolbar in the editor is waaay too big. Why three whole rows of
> the screen and the second row is mainly taken up with a big yucky looking
> long raised block?!?
> I don't even use the toolbar so tried to make it smaller by removing it's
> buttons. As I removed each button the others just bunched up into a 3x3
> square at the left hand side of the toolbar and when all buttons were
> removed I end up with a three rows deep toolbar with nothing on it except
> the horrible raised block!!!
> I want the toolbar to either completely go away or only be one row deep.
> Otherwise the editor is three rows smaller than it should be 
Christian Laborde Re: Tool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:56:02 +0100
I agree. The editor workspace is too small. Now I prefer working with 
ultra edit. And many feature are missing to work on big file.

  Christian Laborde
GTS Gestion-Technologie-Services

Route de la Corniche, 1
CH 1096 Cully
Simon Burford, Uluru SupportRe: Tool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:03:43 +0000
I suppose it's because most of us programmers on these newsgroups come from
the days of DOS programming and are used to an editor which essentially
fills the screen without loads of superfluous windows, toolbars and even the
windows taskbar.

In an ideal world, I'd like to have a full screen editor which would make me
wonder if I'd exited to DOS and run a DOS editor. Any extra windows should
be my choice to display via the View menu. There are too many windows in VX
which cannot be removed and take up screen space.

Simon Burford
Uluru Database Support

Download the latest version of Uluru Professional, Pro
Database Manager for xBase++ from
Thomas Braun Re: Tool Bar
on Fri, 23 Jan 2004 20:08:48 +0100
Simon Burford, Uluru Support:

> In an ideal world, I'd like to have a full screen editor which would make me
> wonder if I'd exited to DOS and run a DOS editor. Any extra windows should
> be my choice to display via the View menu. There are too many windows in VX
> which cannot be removed and take up screen space.

If all additional toolbars could be docked off to be free-floating, we
could use a two-monitor system and have the editor windows on screen one
and the rest on screen two... or to say it in short words, "I agree" 

Thomas Braun
Joe Carrick - The ManiaccRe: Tool Bar
on Sat, 24 Jan 2004 11:11:55 -0800
"Thomas Braun" <> wrote in message
> Simon Burford, Uluru Support:
> > In an ideal world, I'd like to have a full screen editor which would
make me
> > wonder if I'd exited to DOS and run a DOS editor. Any extra windows
> > be my choice to display via the View menu. There are too many windows in
> > which cannot be removed and take up screen space.
> If all additional toolbars could be docked off to be free-floating, we
> could use a two-monitor system and have the editor windows on screen one
> and the rest on screen two... or to say it in short words, "I agree" 
> Thomas Braun

Great idea - add me to the list in support of this.

Simon Burford, Uluru SupportRe: Tool Bar
on Wed, 28 Jan 2004 17:10:18 +0000
I'be just got my two monitor setup installed, so I more than agree here 

Simon Burford
Uluru Database Support

Download the latest version of Uluru Professional, Pro
Database Manager for xBase++ from

"Joe Carrick - The Maniacc" <> wrote in message
> "Thomas Braun" <> wrote in message
> news:1uk9ke4p1191p$.56hfdxti2pvu$
> > Simon Burford, Uluru Support:
> >
> > > In an ideal world, I'd like to have a full screen editor which would
> make me
> > > wonder if I'd exited to DOS and run a DOS editor. Any extra windows
> should
> > > be my choice to display via the View menu. There are too many windows
> VX
> > > which cannot be removed and take up screen space.
> >
> > If all additional toolbars could be docked off to be free-floating, we
> > could use a two-monitor system and have the editor windows on screen one
> > and the rest on screen two... or to say it in short words, "I agree" :-)
> >
> > Thomas Braun
> Great idea - add me to the list in support of this.
> -Joe