Alaska Software Inc. - Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
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AuthorTopic: Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
Damir HodakPrevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 21:11:10 +0200
Hi all!

I have a problem working with ActiveX objects.
I have to send binary data to ActiveX object. 
I send binary data as character strings, but Xbase internaly make automatic
OEM-ANSI conversion of all strings.

Does anybody have any suggestion?

I am using Alaska Xbase 1.90.355 SL1 in VIO mode.


Thomas BraunRe: Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 08:35:43 +0200
Damir Hodak wrote:

> I send binary data as character strings, but Xbase internaly make automatic
> OEM-ANSI conversion of all strings.

Normally, his only affects DBF database access.

Are you storing those strings in DBF files?

If yes, you need to switch to FOXDBE and create those fields as binary
character or varchar fields (Field type X or Z

> I am using Alaska Xbase 1.90.355 SL1 in VIO mode.

I would also suggest to upgrade to Xbase++ 2.x

Damir HodakRe: Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 20:51:12 +0200
On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 08:35:43 +0200, Thomas Braun wrote:

> Damir Hodak wrote:
>> I send binary data as character strings, but Xbase internaly make automatic
>> OEM-ANSI conversion of all strings.
> Normally, his only affects DBF database access.
> Are you storing those strings in DBF files?
> If yes, you need to switch to FOXDBE and create those fields as binary
> character or varchar fields (Field type X or Z
>> I am using Alaska Xbase 1.90.355 SL1 in VIO mode.
> I would also suggest to upgrade to Xbase++ 2.x
> hth
> Thomas

Hi Thomas!
I am not storing those strings in DBF files. 
I am sending those strings to ActiveX object. 
For example, I send UTF-8 encoded string to MSXML2.XMLHTTP ActiveX object.
Jim LeeRe: Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 09:35:37 +0200

> I send binary data as character strings, but Xbase internaly make
> automatic
> OEM-ANSI conversion of all strings.

did you talk about Bitmap as binary data ?

Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.
Damir HodakRe: Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 20:52:30 +0200
On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 09:35:37 +0200, Jim Lee wrote:

> hi,
>> I send binary data as character strings, but Xbase internaly make 
>> automatic
>> OEM-ANSI conversion of all strings.
> did you talk about Bitmap as binary data ?
> ---
> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

Hi Jim!
I am talking generally, about any binary data.
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
on Wed, 25 Sep 2019 22:27:26 -0400

>I have a problem working with ActiveX objects.
>I have to send binary data to ActiveX object. 
>I send binary data as character strings, but Xbase internaly make automatic
>OEM-ANSI conversion of all strings.

Xbase++ only does implicit (automatic) OEM/ANSI conversions when data is 
displayed or saved-to / read-from database files, and only if the current 
CharSet isn't matching the target/source. There is no other implicit data 
conversion. Simply sending data to an Active-X object will not invoke any 
implicit character conversions.

If the problem is really implicit OEM/ANSI conversion by the Xbase++ runtime 
(and I'm not sure that this is the case here), then the solution is quite 
simple. Use the following code pattern to prevent implicit conversions:

Set CharSet to ANSI    assuming that your normal setting is OEM
cBinary := "whatever"
Set CharSet to OEM    assuming that your normal setting is OEM

It might be better, though, if you could post a small demo program that 
shows the problem. Especially how you create the UTF-8 encoded string and 
how you send it. That would make it much easier to give you some actual 
help, rather than wild guesses on out part.


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Absolute Software, LLC

phone: (989) 723-9927
Damir HodakRe: Prevent automatic OEM-ANSI conversion
on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 10:35:46 +0200
On Wed, 25 Sep 2019 22:27:26 -0400, Andreas Gehrs-Pahl wrote:

> Damir,
>>I have a problem working with ActiveX objects.
>>I have to send binary data to ActiveX object. 
>>I send binary data as character strings, but Xbase internaly make automatic
>>OEM-ANSI conversion of all strings.
> Xbase++ only does implicit (automatic) OEM/ANSI conversions when data is 
> displayed or saved-to / read-from database files, and only if the current 
> CharSet isn't matching the target/source. There is no other implicit data 
> conversion. Simply sending data to an Active-X object will not invoke any 
> implicit character conversions.
> If the problem is really implicit OEM/ANSI conversion by the Xbase++ runtime 
> (and I'm not sure that this is the case here), then the solution is quite 
> simple. Use the following code pattern to prevent implicit conversions:
> Set CharSet to ANSI    assuming that your normal setting is OEM
> cBinary := "whatever"
> oXMLHTTPRequest:Open(...)
> oXMLHTTPRequest:Send(...)
> ...
> Set CharSet to OEM    assuming that your normal setting is OEM
> It might be better, though, if you could post a small demo program that 
> shows the problem. Especially how you create the UTF-8 encoded string and 
> how you send it. That would make it much easier to give you some actual 
> help, rather than wild guesses on out part.
> Andreas

Hi Andreas!
Thank you for your suggestion. I tried changing CharSet, but it didn't
Right now I do not have a time to assemble small demo, but I'll post it as
soon as I do it.
