Alaska Software Inc. - Random crash, many thread in the fatal log
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AuthorTopic: Random crash, many thread in the fatal log
Peter NagyRandom crash, many thread in the fatal log
on Tue, 23 Feb 2021 14:25:37 +0100
Dear XBase++ Team,

I attached an xppfatal.log. We have many errors which ("Error Codes: EH: 
1006 Sub: 0(0) OS: 0 XPP: 15") indicate low memory. The strange thing in 
this logs that many threads are running (sometimes 60+), we did not create 
these threads. We tested it and we cannot reproduce the users error and 
this thread number (we only create 3 with Thread()). We believe this low 
memory problem is because of the many unknown threads, but we are not 

We created a log with the function ThreadInfo. We set all of our threads 
to a name, so we can recognize them. In some users computer more threads 
created, and the strage thing is for this unkown threads that 
THREADINFO_TOBJ (so the Thread object) is Nil in the return array of the 
ThreadInfo(). And it seems they don't close.

This unkown threads ThreadInfo(): have THREADINFO_TID, and 
is nil. We see all our threads, and the thread names, but we don't know 
why this unkown threads are created, maybe this threads cause the memory 
error (xpp: 15 error code).

Maybe there is quick half-solution to increase available memory for the 
application or this only depends on the physical RAM size? Or force close 
this threads (we have the system id from ThreadInfo()) with windows api?

Side note: When we enter our program I saw that an unkown thread created 
(ThreadObject is nil, in the result of the ThreadInfo()), this is normal 
and this thread is terminated in some seconds it is okay. In the other 
hand our users error contains many unkown threads, not just one, and they 
does not seem to close. And again, we just suppose this cause the fatal 
error with xpp 15 error code.

Can you help us?
Thank you!

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