Alaska Software Inc. - Re: Font for old OEM source code
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AuthorTopic: Re: Font for old OEM source code
Till WarwegRe: Font for old OEM source code
on Wed, 08 Oct 2014 12:25:19 +0200
Dear Mr. Boivin,

  You're right, the list of OEM fonts displayed in the editor options dialog seems to be incorrect. I'm not entirely 
sure about the Courier New font, but there are other fonts which I'd definitely expect to be included in the list.
Lucida Console comes to mind, for example. This font is usable in the console and hence should be in the list.

This needs to be looked into.

  Till Warweg
  [Alaska Software]

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"Pascal Boivin" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi
> Our software are still using OEM characters everywhere (source and
> data) so I select OEM in Workbench -> Tools -> Editor Options -> Font.
> I have the choice of
> "Mono space font" Terminal 9  -> Too small
> "Mono space font" Terminal 12 -> Too big
> "Not mono space" Modern -> Hole in letters (see sample)
> "Not mono space" Roman -> Hole in letters
> "Not mono space" Script -> Unreadable
> Why can't I select "Courrier new"? By looking at
> it is said that it support OEM character set.
> Is there another font I can download somewhere that will be available
> from within the workbench in oem mode?
> Thank you
Pascal BoivinRe: Font for old OEM source code
on Mon, 10 Nov 2014 15:06:59 +0100
Till Warweg wrote:

> Dear Mr. Boivin,
> You're right, the list of OEM fonts displayed in the editor options
> dialog seems to be incorrect. I'm not entirely sure about the Courier
> New font, but there are other fonts which I'd definitely expect to be
> included in the list.  Lucida Console comes to mind, for example.
> This font is usable in the console and hence should be in the list.
> This needs to be looked into.


I update to release 560 and the list of OEM fonts is still limited to
two fonts.
Andreas HerdtRe: Font for old OEM source code
on Mon, 10 Nov 2014 21:09:43 +0100
Hi Mr Boivin,

This is correct. The corresponding implementation did not make it to
the current update. The fix is scheduled for the next one.

Hope this helps.

With my best regards,

  Andreas Herdt
  Alaska Software


Technical Support:

News Server:  

Fax European Office:    +49 (0) 61 96 - 77 99 99 23
Fax US Office:          +1 (646) 218 1281

"Pascal Boivin" wrote in message
> Till Warweg wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Boivin,
>> You're right, the list of OEM fonts displayed in the editor options
>> dialog seems to be incorrect. I'm not entirely sure about the Courier
>> New font, but there are other fonts which I'd definitely expect to be
>> included in the list.  Lucida Console comes to mind, for example.
>> This font is usable in the console and hence should be in the list.
>> This needs to be looked into.
> Hi
> I update to release 560 and the list of OEM fonts is still limited to
> two fonts.
Pascal BoivinRe: Font for old OEM source code
on Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:46:41 +0100
Andreas Herdt wrote:

> Hi Mr Boivin,
> This is correct. The corresponding implementation did not make it to
> the current update. The fix is scheduled for the next one.
> Hope this helps.
> With my best regards,

I see no change with .570 
Andreas HerdtRe: Font for old OEM source code
on Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:19:13 +0100
Hello Mr Boivin,

I feel terribly sorry about that. Allthough the required implementation was
started we have been forced to temporarily pause all activities because it
turned out the fix will risk availability.


  Andreas Herdt
  Alaska Software


Technical Support:

News Server:  

Fax European Office:    +49 (0) 61 96 - 77 99 99 23
Fax US Office:          +1 (646) 218 1281

"Pascal Boivin" wrote in message
> Andreas Herdt wrote:
>> Hi Mr Boivin,
>> This is correct. The corresponding implementation did not make it to
>> the current update. The fix is scheduled for the next one.
>> Hope this helps.
>> With my best regards,
> I see no change with .570 :(
Pascal BoivinRe: Font for old OEM source code
on Fri, 05 Jun 2015 16:08:38 +0200
Andreas Herdt wrote:

> Hi Mr Boivin,
> This is correct. The corresponding implementation did not make it to
> the current update. The fix is scheduled for the next one.
> Hope this helps.
> With my best regards,


Just a reminder, still waiting for this!
