| Author | Topic: DacSqlStatement - :query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes) doesn't work |
| Itai Dishon | DacSqlStatement - :query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes) doesn't work
on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:24:32 +0100Hi,
the following code do not return any value in the array passed to it.
aRes := {}
cConnStr := "DBE=pgdbe;server=localhost;"
cConnStr += "db=mdidemo;uid=postgres;pwd=postgres"
oSession := DacSession():New(cConnStr)
MsgBox("Connection failed ("+Var2Char(oSession:GetLastMessage())+")")
str := "Select * From Customer"
oStmt := DacSqlStatement(oSession):fromChar(str)
oStmt:query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes)
Result: aRes = {}
Note: The data does exist in the workarea but there is no sense of a do
while loop to read it to an array if the functionality exist after all we
are trying to get rid of all this extra coding with SQL
Thank you
itai dishon |
| Itai Dishon | notifications
on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:25:58 +0100 |
| Rick Green | Re: DacSqlStatement - :query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes) doesn't work
on Thu, 30 Apr 2015 17:34:23 +0200 |
| Rick Green | Re: DacSqlStatement - :query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes) doesn't work
on Fri, 08 May 2015 16:11:23 +0200 |
| Rick Green | Re: DacSqlStatement - :query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes) doesn't work
on Fri, 08 May 2015 16:17:35 +0200I found something here: http://news.alaska-software.com/readmessage?
Apparently Select INTO ARRAY does not work on remote connections
Itai Dishon wrote in message news:1fc7ab3$6c9d61b1$226a37@news.alaska-
>the following code do not return any value in the array passed to it.
> aRes := {}
> DbeLoad("pgdbe")
> DbeSetDefault("pgdbe")
> cConnStr := "DBE=pgdbe;server=localhost;"
> cConnStr += "db=mdidemo;uid=postgres;pwd=postgres"
> oSession := DacSession():New(cConnStr)
> IF(!oSession:IsConnected())
> MsgBox("Connection failed ("+Var2Char(oSession:GetLastMessage())+")")
> str := "Select * From Customer"
> oStmt := DacSqlStatement(oSession):fromChar(str)
> oStmt:build()
> oStmt:query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes)
>Result: aRes = {}
>Note: The data does exist in the workarea but there is no sense of a do
>while loop to read it to an array if the functionality exist after all we
>are trying to get rid of all this extra coding with SQL
>Thank you
>itai dishon |
| Itai Dishon | Re: DacSqlStatement - :query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes) doesn't work
on Wed, 27 May 2015 21:16:08 -0700Rick,
Thank you for the link.
This post is from Aug 12 2013 that was a 2.0 preview more then a year before
the actual release.
It seems to me like enough time to address this issue.
Itai Dishon
"Rick Green" wrote in message
I found something here: http://news.alaska-software.com/readmessage?
Apparently Select INTO ARRAY does not work on remote connections
Itai Dishon wrote in message news:1fc7ab3$6c9d61b1$226a37@news.alaska-
>the following code do not return any value in the array passed to it.
> aRes := {}
> DbeLoad("pgdbe")
> DbeSetDefault("pgdbe")
> cConnStr := "DBE=pgdbe;server=localhost;"
> cConnStr += "db=mdidemo;uid=postgres;pwd=postgres"
> oSession := DacSession():New(cConnStr)
> IF(!oSession:IsConnected())
> MsgBox("Connection failed ("+Var2Char(oSession:GetLastMessage())+")")
> str := "Select * From Customer"
> oStmt := DacSqlStatement(oSession):fromChar(str)
> oStmt:build()
> oStmt:query(USQL_RESULT_ARRAY, @aRes)
>Result: aRes = {}
>Note: The data does exist in the workarea but there is no sense of a do
>while loop to read it to an array if the functionality exist after all we
>are trying to get rid of all this extra coding with SQL
>Thank you
>itai dishon |