Alaska Software Inc. - Remote Connection String
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AuthorTopic: Remote Connection String
Blaed MunzRemote Connection String
on Wed, 15 Jan 2020 10:19:23 -0600
What is the correct connection string for connecting to a remote Postgres 
I am trying SERVER= but it is not working. I know everything is 
correct on server end because I can connect with pgAdmin.
Matej JuracRe: Remote Connection String
on Wed, 04 Mar 2020 09:43:52 +0100
You need to look up for "connection strings" for pgsql

Here is link to site

For DAC connection, look at "DacSession()" class reference in first sample on syntax. For more details DacSession:New() method has some more info.

So you will have to combine info from connection strings and dacsession()

Blaed Munz wrote in message news:ec93b9e$23b75453$
>What is the correct connection string for connecting to a remote Postgres 
>I am trying SERVER= but it is not working. I know everything is 
>correct on server end because I can connect with pgAdmin.