Alaska Software Inc. - APPEND BLANK error
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AuthorTopic: APPEND BLANK error
Stewart LauAPPEND BLANK error
on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 04:49:19 +0200

Been receiving APPEND BLANK error from the pg_log 

2015-10-19 09:33:13 MYT STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO "ytdtrns" ( __deleted, 
__rowversion, __keyversion, __lock_owner, status, controlid, trcde, 
gst_absorb, rcode, ordno, trdate, dlydate, shpto, comno, comno2, attn, 
bank, cheque, deposit, terr, class, prdate, prno, jobno, gitno, dono, 
invno, offsetno, costype, tcode, scode, dupprod, batch20, invdate, source, 
period, periods, period3, freq, smno, subno, stkcde, snum, wh, prod, 
brand, model, "desc", desc2, type, um, ordqty, ordqty2, relqty, retqty, 
blqty, blqty2, special_p, ctn_no, no_ctn, flag, qty, qty2, purqty, mfgqty, 
uprice, disc, drate, ucost, puprice, curr, crate, dept, crcode, drcode, 
glcode, drac, crac, control_ac, glamt, tcost, dodate, podlydte, taxcode, 
utax, taxamt, taxamtl, amount, ordamt, ordamt2, weight, rem, origin, m3, 
packsize, bincd, sysdate, systime, lastprice, freight, userid, yrcode, 
genflag) VALUES( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, 
$14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, 
$29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $40, $41, $42, $43, 
$44, $45, $46, $47, $48, $49, $50, $51, $52, $53, $54, $55, $56, $57, $58, 
$59, $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66, $67, $68, $69, $70, $71, $72, $73, 
$74, $75, $76, $77, $78, $79, $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87, $88, 
$89, $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $100, $101, $102, 

2015-10-19 09:33:13 MYT ERROR:  bind message supplies 102 parameters, but 
prepared statement "plan9-t1880-n14712" requires 103

This error comes from the command APPEND BLANK and it will hang the 

Anyone else experiencing this?

Stewart LauRe: APPEND BLANK error
on Tue, 27 Oct 2015 04:43:39 +0100

Need to re-upsize the table due to an sql command altering the table 

Note: Never send a DDL query directly. Otherwise your table will be 
corrupted. Send the required operation using XBase++ commands.


Stewart Lau wrote in message news:1a1a8c3c$3dfcd56c$29833@news.alaska-
>Been receiving APPEND BLANK error from the pg_log 
>2015-10-19 09:33:13 MYT STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO "ytdtrns" ( __deleted, 
>__rowversion, __keyversion, __lock_owner, status, controlid, trcde, 
>gst_absorb, rcode, ordno, trdate, dlydate, shpto, comno, comno2, attn, 
>bank, cheque, deposit, terr, class, prdate, prno, jobno, gitno, dono, 
>invno, offsetno, costype, tcode, scode, dupprod, batch20, invdate, 
>period, periods, period3, freq, smno, subno, stkcde, snum, wh, prod, 
>brand, model, "desc", desc2, type, um, ordqty, ordqty2, relqty, retqty, 
>blqty, blqty2, special_p, ctn_no, no_ctn, flag, qty, qty2, purqty, 
>uprice, disc, drate, ucost, puprice, curr, crate, dept, crcode, drcode, 
>glcode, drac, crac, control_ac, glamt, tcost, dodate, podlydte, taxcode, 
>utax, taxamt, taxamtl, amount, ordamt, ordamt2, weight, rem, origin, m3, 
>packsize, bincd, sysdate, systime, lastprice, freight, userid, yrcode, 
>genflag) VALUES( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, 
>$14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, 
>$29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38, $39, $40, $41, $42, 
>$44, $45, $46, $47, $48, $49, $50, $51, $52, $53, $54, $55, $56, $57, 
>$59, $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66, $67, $68, $69, $70, $71, $72, 
>$74, $75, $76, $77, $78, $79, $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87, 
>$89, $90, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $96, $97, $98, $99, $100, $101, $102, 
>2015-10-19 09:33:13 MYT ERROR:  bind message supplies 102 parameters, but 
>prepared statement "plan9-t1880-n14712" requires 103
>This error comes from the command APPEND BLANK and it will hang the 
>Anyone else experiencing this?