Alaska Software Inc. - Copy routine for Xbase++ 2.0 installation, suitable for SUBSTed environments
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AuthorTopic: Copy routine for Xbase++ 2.0 installation, suitable for SUBSTed environments
Thomas BraunCopy routine for Xbase++ 2.0 installation, suitable for SUBSTed environments
on Fri, 10 Oct 2014 14:37:56 +0200

now that I have prepared something that basically seems to be working, I
wanted to show my "solution" for a way to keep my environment switcher via
SUBST command.

This is what I did:

Installed Xbase++ with all options apart from the environment change

Call the following batch file to copy files to the "correct" location so
switching environments via SUBST works

In case of updates, just install them via the workbench and call the batch

In my specific case, the Xbase++ installation is inside a VM running on VM
workstation - so as a final step, I need to copy the resulting directrory
structure from the VM to my development machine.

One additional benefit of this could be that you are able to see any header
file changes between releases.

Here is the current version of the batch file, it also takes into account
that the WAA directory might be missing.

Porting this to a powershell script could nmake the parameter handling more
elegant, but it also does the job as a .cmd batch.

@echo OFF
REM Parameters:
REM ------------
REM %1 -> Target build number
REM %2 -> target directory
REM If you omit both parameters, the build is taken from the current date and the 
REM target dir is taken from IF NOT "%2"... a few lines down

IF NOT "%1"=="" (SET "build=%1") ELSE (SET "build=%date:~-4,4%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~0,2%")

REM If you always  have the same target dir, just change the default in the ELSE branch 
REM and omit the 2nd parameter when calling the batch
IF NOT "%2"=="" (SET "target_dir=%2") ELSE (SET "target_dir=%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Alaska")

@echo Target = %target_dir%
@echo Build = %build%

IF NOT EXIST "%target_dir%" MD "%target_dir%"
IF NOT EXIST "%target_dir%\%build%" MD "%target_dir%\%build%"
IF NOT EXIST "%target_dir%\%build%\book" MD "%target_dir%\%build%\book"
IF NOT EXIST "%target_dir%\%build%\source" MD "%target_dir%\%build%\source"

@echo Copying "Alaska Software\xpp20"
XCOPY "%programFiles(x86)%\Alaska Software\xpp20\*.*" %target_dir%\%build% /E /Q /Y

@echo Copying "Alaska Software\help"
XCOPY "%programFiles(x86)%\Alaska Software\help20\*.*" %target_dir%\%build%\book  /E /Q /Y

@echo Copying "Alaska Software\source"
XCOPY "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Xbase++\source\*.*" %target_dir%\%build%\source /E /Q /Y

IF NOT EXIST "%programFiles(x86)%\Alaska Software\waa20" GOTO END
@echo Copying "Alaska Software\waa20"
XCOPY "%programFiles(x86)%\Alaska Software\waa20\*.*" %target_dir%\%build%  /E /Q /Y

REM copy waa lib and dll files to the correct locations
XCOPY "%programFiles(x86)%\Alaska Software\waa20\server\waa1*.dll" %target_dir%\%build%\lib  /E /Q /Y
XCOPY "%programFiles(x86)%\Alaska Software\waa20\server\waa1*.lib" %target_dir%\%build%\lib  /E /Q /Y

Raymond FischbachRe: Copy routine for Xbase++ 2.0 installation, suitable for SUBSTed environments
on Fri, 10 Oct 2014 18:09:01 +0200
Thomas Braun a pensé très fort :
> now that I have prepared something that basically seems to be working, I
> wanted to show my "solution" for a way to keep my environment switcher via
> SUBST command.

Hello Thomas,

Thank you for sharing this,