Alaska Software Inc. - A major bug in the recent build
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AuthorTopic: A major bug in the recent build
Itai Ben-ArtziA major bug in the recent build
on Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:38:35 -0800
After applying the recent build (1068), the GraBox() no longer works
as before and the rectangle no longer filled.  Try the following code:

aAAttr  := Array( GRA_AA_COUNT )
GraSetAttrArea( oPage, aAAttr )
graBox( oPage, {1344, 2420}, {2016, 2510}, GRA_OUTLINEFILL, 40, 40 )

Itai Ben-ArtziRe: A major bug in the recent build
on Mon, 24 Dec 2018 19:12:02 -0800
To clarify this bug, GraSetAttrArea() is working only with
GRA_SYM_SOLID assigned to aAAttr[GRA_AA_SYMBOL].
Any other value works as NOSHADE.
Because hundreds of reports and forms require shading, I had to
roll-back to build 1037, and I am currently stuck at this build.
Please fix this bug ASAP.