Alaska Software Inc. - CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
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AuthorTopic: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
Itai Ben-ArtziCSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:18:02 -0800
Can XbpHTMLStyle() and/or XbpHTMLWindow() use any CSS function or only
plain HTML?
In other words, can XbpHTMLStyle() and/or XbpHTMLWindow() deploy CSS
functions such as calc() or linear-gradient() ?

Many thanks,
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 21:57:59 -0500

>In other words, can XbpHTMLStyle() and/or XbpHTMLWindow() deploy CSS
>functions such as calc() or linear-gradient() ?

As those classes are based on the (obsolete) HTMLayout DLL, and those 
functions were introduced with CSS3, they aren't supported. Only if/when 
Alaska replaces HTMLayout with something more modern, like Chromium or 
WebKit, is there any chance that those and other modern CSS (and HTML) 
features will be available for those classes.

The XbpHTMLViewer() class, which is basically an Active-X version of the 
Internet Explorer, can probably handle those functions, but it doesn't 
render into an (Xbase++) Presentation Space.

Hope that helps,


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Absolute Software, LLC

phone: (989) 723-9927
Itai Ben-ArtziRe: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 22:05:43 -0800
Thank you, Andreas!
I hope Alaska will soon catchup with today CSS.

Can XbpHTMLStyle() and/or XbpHTMLWindow() use any CSS function (e.g.
rgb()) ?  If yes, is there a list of supported functions?
Jim LeeRe: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 02:35:06 +0100

> I hope Alaska will soon catchup with today CSS.
> Can XbpHTMLStyle() and/or XbpHTMLWindow() use any CSS function (e.g.
> rgb()) ?  If yes, is there a list of supported functions?

Htmllayout is "Outdate" and have be replace by Sciter
you will find it a

do you real want to use "Outdate" Software like IE-Engine or Htmllayout ...

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Itai Ben-ArtziRe: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 23:02:52 -0800
Sound interesting.  Does it work with xBase++?  How?
Jim LeeRe: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 02:21:03 +0100

> Alaska replaces HTMLayout with something more modern, like Chromium or
> WebKit, is there any chance that those and other modern CSS (and HTML)
> features will be available for those classes.

is there a 32 Bit Chromium Version ?
as i know it is only 64 Bit so "no Chance" until Alaska switch to 64 Bit

Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.
Jose Antonio Diego KerejeRe: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 17:33:31 +0100
Hi Jim,

It is not entirely true.

On the main page of you can read the following:
"Another control has come in its place, based on Chromium. It is called 
WebView2 and shares code with Microsoft Edge.
Microsoft provides bindings for a variety of languages ​​and even added a com 
interface, but not all programming languages ​​can directly consume that 
particular interface.
Microsoft declared that interface as being solely for C++ and refers to it as 
the Win32 interface whereas the other programming languages ​​it is designed for 
are .net variants."

I have done tests and it seems to work correctly with Xbase++, although all 
communication with WebView2 goes through JavaScript (sic. "The WebView2 
control does not offer a direct way to interact with the DOM interface") 

Until Alaska develops its own option (something that should already be done), 
it may be an alternative. I do not know!

Regards. Diego

Osvaldo RamirezRe: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 10:49:42 -0700
Hello guys

Maybe it work ?

Best Regards
Osvaldo Ramirez

On 06/01/22 9:33, Jose Antonio Diego Kereje wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> It is not entirely true.
> On the main page of you can read the following:
> "Another control has come in its place, based on Chromium. It is called
> WebView2 and shares code with Microsoft Edge.
> Microsoft provides bindings for a variety of languages ​​and even added a com
> interface, but not all programming languages ​​can directly consume that
> particular interface.
> Microsoft declared that interface as being solely for C++ and refers to it as
> the Win32 interface whereas the other programming languages ​​it is designed for
> are .net variants."
> I have done tests and it seems to work correctly with Xbase++, although all
> communication with WebView2 goes through JavaScript (sic. "The WebView2
> control does not offer a direct way to interact with the DOM interface")
> Until Alaska develops its own option (something that should already be done),
> it may be an alternative. I do not know!
> Regards. Diego
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Jim LeeRe: CSS functions used by XbpHTMLStyle() And XbpHTMLWindow()
on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 05:43:30 +0100
hi Diego,

Yes you are right with 32 Bit Version.


your Solution, using 3-PP ActiveX, does cost 398,- 
i wonder that nobody have made a "Wrapper" to use EDGE under Xbase++ like it 
exist under HMG