Alaska Software Inc. - Chalenge: infinit loop
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AuthorTopic: Chalenge: infinit loop
Carlos a Beling Chalenge: infinit loop
on Thu, 06 Apr 2017 16:04:35 -0300
Good afternoon.
I decided to play with the old one and good DbEditor utility.
I made many changes for testing many things.
Almost everything works fine. It has only one problem:

The program enters in a endless loop in the function Eventloop() in the 

When you type CTRL-S for stopping the loop the cursor is out everything 
and ProcName() returns Error

I attached the modified program and the old one utility packed.

Please can someone tell me where is or how to correct the problem?

Carlos a Beling Re: Chalenge *Challenge*: infinit loop
on Sat, 08 Apr 2017 11:26:31 -0300
Em 06/04/2017 16:04, Carlos a Beling escreveu:
> Good afternoon.
> I decided to play with the old one and good DbEditor utility.
> I made many changes for testing many things.
> Almost everything works fine. It has only one problem:
> The program enters in a endless loop in the function Eventloop() in the
> Utilities.prg.
> When you type CTRL-S for stopping the loop the cursor is out everything
> and ProcName() returns Error
> I attached the modified program and the old one utility packed.
> Please can someone tell me where is or how to correct the problem?
> Fraternally
> Beling