Alaska Software Inc. - Wysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
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AuthorTopic: Wysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
Jari SolloWysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
on Tue, 01 Jul 2014 10:57:04 +0300
Is there a way to store  wysiwyg preview to clipboard?
Or any other way to send that output by e-mail?


Carlos A Beling Re: Wysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
on Tue, 01 Jul 2014 15:15:23 -0300
Hello Jari:
good afternoon:
Capture AppDeskTop():presSpace() using a XbpBitmap() class and save it 
to a file. Then you can to send it.


Em 1/7/2014 04:57, Jari Sollo escreveu:
> Is there a way to store  wysiwyg preview to clipboard?
> Or any other way to send that output by e-mail?
> Thanks,
> -Jari-
Hubert BrandelRe: Wysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
on Wed, 02 Jul 2014 08:43:28 +0200
or copy it to the clipboard, but my eMail-app does only support files.

PS: sorry, I first got your private eMail adress by mistake.
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: Wysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
on Wed, 02 Jul 2014 18:52:52 -0400

>Is there a way to store  wysiwyg preview to clipboard?
>Or any other way to send that output by e-mail?

Besides saving this as an image file, the best option would be to print to 
a PDF file, using one of the many PDF solutions available. I personally use 
PDFCreator for this. The user can print, save, or email from my preview 
dialog, where PDFCreator is used to create a PDF file for the save and email 


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Absolute Software, LLC

phone: (989) 723-9927
Jari SolloRe: Wysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 15:39:06 +0300
I am looking for something that gives same kind of result than Alt+PrtScr, 
just do not know how it can be done. I tried to capture presentation space 
and graphic segment to clipboard. Both were total failure... Print preview 
works fine, just how that graphics can be captured to clipboard?

Preview is done like this:
wPrnPreview := XbpDialog():new(appDeskTop() , wRaportit, {100,100}, 
{860,680}, , .F.)

oRect := XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {10,10}, {760,615}, { { 
XBP_PP_BGCLR, -255 } } )
   oRect:caption := ""
   oRect:clipSiblings := .T.
   oRect:setColorBG( XBPSYSCLR_WINDOW )

oPS := XbpPresSpace():New()
   oPS:Create(oRect:winDevice(),aScreenSize, GRA_PU_LOMETRIC)

grOldMode :=GraSegDrawMode(oPS, GRA_DM_RETAIN)
      aAdd(aSegments, GraSegOpen(oPS))

"Jari Sollo" kirjoitti 

Is there a way to store  wysiwyg preview to clipboard?
Or any other way to send that output by e-mail?


Carlos A Beling Re: Wysiwyg printpreview to clipboard
on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 10:37:49 -0300
good morning.
Please see if the attached program can help you.


Em 3/7/2014 09:39, Jari Sollo escreveu:
> I am looking for something that gives same kind of result than
> Alt+PrtScr, just do not know how it can be done. I tried to capture
> presentation space and graphic segment to clipboard. Both were total
> failure... Print preview works fine, just how that graphics can be
> captured to clipboard?
> Preview is done like this:
> *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> wPrnPreview := XbpDialog():new(appDeskTop() , wRaportit, {100,100},
> {860,680}, , .F.)
> ..etc...
> oRect := XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {10,10}, {760,615}, { {
> XBP_PP_BGCLR, -255 } } )
>    oRect:caption := ""
>    oRect:clipSiblings := .T.
>    oRect:create()
>    oRect:setColorBG( XBPSYSCLR_WINDOW )
> ..etc...
> oPS := XbpPresSpace():New()
>    oPS:Create(oRect:winDevice(),aScreenSize, GRA_PU_LOMETRIC)
> ..etc...
> grOldMode :=GraSegDrawMode(oPS, GRA_DM_RETAIN)
>       aAdd(aSegments, GraSegOpen(oPS))
> ..etc...
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Jari Sollo" kirjoitti
> viestissä:35159a78$6bbf3723$
> Is there a way to store  wysiwyg preview to clipboard?
> Or any other way to send that output by e-mail?
> Thanks,
> -Jari-
