Alaska Software Inc. - Sle with spell-checking
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AuthorTopic: Sle with spell-checking
Jose Antonio Diego KerejeSle with spell-checking
on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 21:09:22 +0100

Has anyone developed an SLE object with spell-checking?

I have done some tests adapting previous code of my HTMLeditor and it seems 
that it works, but I do not think it is fully functional and stable in an 
XbpDialog with several SLE.

Nick Ramoundos Re: Sle with spell-checking
on Sat, 09 Mar 2019 17:24:38 +0100

I have developed a routine to AUTO-CORRECT, not spell check.
I used a standard list of the 100-most mispelled words and created 
MyApp.ACL to which I add corrections as I go along.

The Procedure allows for variations on miss-spellings and reformatting of 
phrases using Transform() rules.

I use the AutoCorrect() proceedure in my xBpMLE objects but I am sure you 
can be adapt it to xBpSLE objects as well.

If you are interested, please let me know and I will walk you through it 
via E-Mail. [nramoundos (AT) gmail (DOTCOM)



Jose Antonio Diego Kereje wrote in

> Hi,
> Has anyone developed an SLE object with spell-checking?
> I have done some tests adapting previous code of my HTMLeditor and it
> seems that it works, but I do not think it is fully functional and
> stable in an XbpDialog with several SLE. 
> Attachment decoded: untitled-2.txt
> ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01D47482.A89710B0
> Subject: Sle with spell-checking
> From: Jose Antonio Diego Kereje
> Newsgroups: public.xbase++.gui
> ste es un mensaje de varias partes en formato MIME.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01D47482.A89710B0
> Subject: Sle with spell-checking
> From: Jose Antonio Diego Kereje
> Newsgroups: public.xbase++.gui
> ste es un mensaje de varias partes en formato MIME.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01D47482.A89710B0
> Hi,
> Has anyone developed an SLE object with spell-checking?