Nice to hear from you as always my best critic.
Yes my voice synthesizer is passed an input text string ... example
"Hello world" and the output is a audio mp3 file.
Here is the code within my html:
<audio style="display:none" id="audio01" controls>
<source src="
/104130-211527/adverts/advert-audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Then I manage all the graphics and styling with javascript and css to
make it easy to navigate.
Kind Regards
On 2017/06/12 19:25, Jonathan Leeming wrote:
> Hi Nestor...
> Neat Idea... one's imagination appears to be the only limiting factor!
> Would I be correct to assume that your speech synthesis process could be
> passed any text string?
> Regards... Jonathan
> On 6/12/2017 9:06 AM, Nestor G. Torres wrote:
>> Hi Guys
>> Using Alaska CXP, Javascript, Jquery & HTML.
>> Another powerful update for my StarLite E commerce application which
>> includes my new innovation: on demand voice instructions and an
>> enhanced front end.
>> Visit
>> Kind regards
>> From Nestor