Alaska Software Inc. - My contribution to PageLet quotes
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AuthorTopic: My contribution to PageLet quotes
Roger DonnayMy contribution to PageLet quotes
on Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:30:13 +0100
"Making software is like making babies.  It doesn't get done any faster by 
putting more men on the job" - Roger Donnay

I made some changes to MAIN.CXP and PAGELET.CXP in WebSamples because the 
quote of the day was often getting duplicated due to the randomization 
algorithm.  I found that the ::data container of the CxpAbstractPage() 
object could be used as cargo.  I then created an array named ::data:idx 
to store the random integers being selected so they would not be 

Here is the updated code:


<h1>Random collection of quotes!</h1>

 nS := MilliSeconds()
 ::data:idx := {}
 FOR n:=1 TO 5
   ::RenderPage(".\pagelet.cxp", "Quote #"+AllTrim(Str(n))+" of the day!" 
 ? ::data:idx
 nE := MilliSeconds()

<h2>Elapsed @(nE-nS) ms</h2>


 aTips := {}
 AAdd( aTips, {"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 
lines of code.","Ken Thompson" } )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Deleted code is debugged code."," Jeff Sickel"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Controlling complexity is the essence of computer 
programming.","Brian Kernigan"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"A program that produces incorrect results twice as fast is 
infinitely slower.","John Osterhout"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.","Edsger W. 
Dijkstra"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of 
special cases.","Jon Bentley and Doug McIlroy"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.","Leonardo da 
Vinci"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Unix has retarded OS research by 10 years and linux has 
retarded it by 20.","Dennis Ritchie"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Hofstadter’s Law: It always takes longer than you expect, 
even when you take into account Hofstadter’s law.","Douglas R. 
Hofstadter"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"The crazier the theory, the more likely it is to be 
correct.","Niels Bohr"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"When working on a problem, think only how to solve it. If 
the solution is not simple and has no inner beauty such as art, it is 
wrong.","Steffen F. Pirsig"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, 
and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to 
move in the opposite direction.","Albert Einstein"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Incorrect documentation is often worse than no 
documentation.","Bertrand Meyer"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"The purpose of software engineering is to control 
complexity, not to create it.","Dr. Pamela Zave"} )
 AAdd( aTips, {"Making software is like making babies.  Is doesn't get 
done any faster by putting more men on the job.","Roger Donnay"} )

   nIdx := RandomInt(1,Len(aTips))
   IF !(nIdx $ ::data:idx)

 cTitle := PValue(1)


<div style="font-family: 'Segoe UI Light', 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, 
<h1 style="background-color:#13346e; color:#efefef;padding-left:5px;font-
size:11pt; margin-bottom:5px;" >@(cTitle)</h1>

<div style="padding-left:5px; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; 
  <a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">

<div style="margin:0px 0px 1px 0px">&nbsp;</div>