Hi Zdenko,
Thanks for the reply; but that is what i am trying to get away from. I
do not want to use extra computer power to process the removal of these
tags that should not be there in the first place. Every processing
machine cycle just slows my web page down; especially if I have to do it
for each stock card being displayed.
Maybe the guys at Alaska have a solution or a fix for this. it worked
perfectly with CXPCPT4.
Kind regards
On 2015/04/14 02:38 PM, "Zdenko Bielik" wrote:
> Hi,
> try remove(replace with empty space) that words from result:
> cVar:="<table Style='width:440px;height:165px'>"
> cResult:= Var2xml(cVar)
> cResult := StrTran( cResult, '<character> ', '' )
> cResult := StrTran( cResult, '</character> ', '' )
> Zdeno