Alaska Software Inc. - Copy command
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AuthorTopic: Copy command
Frankie Copy command
on Mon, 21 Mar 2005 22:37:02 +0800
Hi all,

I have a runshell function that use dos "copy" command to add some 
string from a txt file to a binary file and it has been working for 
years (ploted from clipper). Recently i try to change to longfilename 
path but fail.

Can anyone enlighten me?

Here is the function.

cDllFile := "D:\CustApp\Info.dll"
cTempFile := "C:\Temp\Info.txt"   Info.txt has a string - "123"
RUNSHELL("/C COPY /b &cDllFile. + &cTempFile &cExeFile. > NUL",,,.T.)

The string '123" can be sucessfully added to the end of Info.dll.

However, if cDllFile := "D:\Customer App\Info.dl", it doesn't work.

I know i can use short-path but the path was generated from where the 
app started.


Frankie Yap
Phil Ide
Re: Copy command
on Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:54:28 +0000

> I have a runshell function that use dos "copy" command to add some 
> string from a txt file to a binary file and it has been working for 
> years (ploted from clipper). Recently i try to change to longfilename 
> path but fail.
> Can anyone enlighten me?
> Here is the function.
> cDllFile := "D:\CustApp\Info.dll"
> cTempFile := "C:\Temp\Info.txt"   Info.txt has a string - "123"
> RUNSHELL("/C COPY /b &cDllFile. + &cTempFile &cExeFile. > NUL",,,.T.)
> The string '123" can be sucessfully added to the end of Info.dll.
> However, if cDllFile := "D:\Customer App\Info.dl", it doesn't work.

You have to see what you are doing.  Here's the command line you produce:

/C COPY /b D:\Customer App\Info.dl + C:\Temp\Info.txt > NUL

If you break the copy command down you have this:

  COPY [/opt] [param1] [param2] + [param3] > NUL

What you wanted was this:

  COPY [/opt] [param1] + [param2] > NUL

If you put quotes around cDllFile, it will work:

cDllFile := '"D:\CustApp\Info.dll"'


Phil Ide

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Thomas Braun Re: Copy command
on Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:33:57 +0100
Frankie wrote:

> years (ploted from clipper). Recently i try to change to longfilename 
> path but fail.
> Can anyone enlighten me?

Long file names have to be surrounded by "

> cDllFile := "D:\CustApp\Info.dll"
> cTempFile := "C:\Temp\Info.txt"   Info.txt has a string - "123"
> RUNSHELL("/C COPY /b &cDllFile. + &cTempFile &cExeFile. > NUL",,,.T.)

Something like this should do the trick (I would use temporary variables to
contruct the runshell string to make code a bit more readable):

RUNSHELL( '/C COPY /B "&cDLLFile." + "&cTempFile" "&cExeFile." > NUL',,,.T.)

Thomas Braun
Frankie Re: Copy command
on Tue, 22 Mar 2005 02:19:02 +0800
Thanks Phil and Thomas,

I have managed to use Thomas's solution and it works.


Frankie Yap