Alaska Software Inc. - Runshell() in VIO
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AuthorTopic: Runshell() in VIO
Rodd GrahamRunshell() in VIO
on Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:14:07 -0500
Runshell() (of a cmd.exe) in VIO does not seem to have stdout access in the 
window that Xbase++ is running in or have a character window of its own. 
Runshell() (of a cmd.exe) in GUI does create a new character window which 
works properly.

For consistent behavour,

Runshell('/C START /WAIT "+getenv("COMSPEC")+' /C '+commandline, 
getenv("COMSPEC"), nil, .t.)

will cause a hidden cmd.exe processor to start a second visible command 
processor to run the command line.

This will give identical Runshell() results whether VIO or GUI.  Note that I 
only use Win2k/XP/2k3.
