Alaska Software Inc. - Sending commands to a COM port.
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AuthorTopic: Sending commands to a COM port.
OllieSending commands to a COM port.
on Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:31:14 +0200
I am writing some code that will send an SMS to a GSM modem on a local COM

I need to send:
AT+CMGS=082(mobile number)3333    then Press ENTER
The SMS (short message service) message   then Press CTRL Z

to the COM port.

I have no clue where to start, I have never worked with COM ports.

I have XBase 1.82 and eXPress 1.8

Any help appreciated.

ollie @
Re: Sending commands to a COM port.
on Sat, 16 Apr 2005 12:51:02 +0200
You will find all the functions you need in the Xbtools.  See for the serial


Chris Andries.

"Ollie" <> wrote in message
> I am writing some code that will send an SMS to a GSM modem on a local COM
> port.
> I need to send:
> AT+CMGS=082(mobile number)3333    then Press ENTER
> The SMS (short message service) message   then Press CTRL Z
> to the COM port.
> I have no clue where to start, I have never worked with COM ports.
> I have XBase 1.82 and eXPress 1.8
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks.
> ollie @
PjoRe: Sending commands to a COM port.
on Fri, 29 Apr 2005 13:38:28 +0700
Try this
nPort :=1  or 2
  IF !COM_OPEN(nPort) .OR. !COM_INIT(nPort, 57600, 'N', 8, 1)
         TONE(1000, 10)
         @06, 20 SAY "Open COM " + STR(nPort, 1) + " Fail !!!        "
          @06, 20 SAY "COM " + STR(nPort, 1) + " Open !!!        "
nSend:=Com_SEND(nPort, "AT+CMGS=082(mobile number)3333" )
 nSend = 0 if success
nSend:=Com_SEND(nPort, "SMS (short message service) message "+CHR(26) )

Link with xbtbase1.lib and xbtbase2.lib



Ollie <> wrote in message
> I am writing some code that will send an SMS to a GSM modem on a local COM
> port.
> I need to send:
> AT+CMGS=082(mobile number)3333    then Press ENTER
> The SMS (short message service) message   then Press CTRL Z
> to the COM port.
> I have no clue where to start, I have never worked with COM ports.
> I have XBase 1.82 and eXPress 1.8
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks.
> ollie @
XPERTRe: Sending commands to a COM port.
on Sun, 15 May 2005 09:25:02 +0200
"Ollie" <> wrote in message
> I am writing some code that will send an SMS to a GSM modem on a local COM
> port.
> I need to send:
> AT+CMGS=082(mobile number)3333    then Press ENTER
> The SMS (short message service) message   then Press CTRL Z
> to the COM port.
> I have no clue where to start, I have never worked with COM ports.
> I have XBase 1.82 and eXPress 1.8
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks.
> ollie @
XPERTRe: Sending commands to a COM port.
on Sun, 15 May 2005 09:28:39 +0200
"Ollie" <> wrote in message
> I am writing some code that will send an SMS to a GSM modem on a local COM
> port.
> I need to send:
> AT+CMGS=082(mobile number)3333    then Press ENTER
> The SMS (short message service) message   then Press CTRL Z
> to the COM port.
> I have no clue where to start, I have never worked with COM ports.
> I have XBase 1.82 and eXPress 1.8
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks.
> ollie @