Alaska Software Inc. - TBrowse experience
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AuthorTopic: TBrowse experience
Rodd GrahamTBrowse experience
on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:33:30 -0500
Does anyone have words of wisdom regarding differences in TBrowse between 
Clipper and XBase++?  I am just looking for other experiences on differences 
and not any solutions to the following items.

I have already found that :RefreshAll() is a runtime error in XBase++ if the 
columns are not already added.

I am also seeing poor scroll performance.  I am wondering if Clipper was 
buffering the visible column results internally while XBase++ is getting the 
results from the column for every screen draw.

Finally, I have seen cases where the TBrowse thinks that it is stable, yet 
the screen has rows missing.  This seems to occur is a scroll arrow is 
processed prior to the previous scroll being stable.

Any other items to consider?

AUGE_OHRRe: TBrowse experience
on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 22:42:46 +0200

> I have already found that :RefreshAll() is a runtime error in XBase++ if
> columns are not already added.

does it make sence to :RefreshAll() before you have the hole TBrowse ?

> I am also seeing poor scroll performance.  I am wondering if Clipper was
> buffering the visible column results internally while XBase++ is getting
> results from the column for every screen draw.

i think it it the oCrt itself which is not very quick ... but XbpBrowse is
slower ( you can see every column draw from left  top to right  bottom on
a Celeron 500 )

> Finally, I have seen cases where the TBrowse thinks that it is stable, yet
> the screen has rows missing.  This seems to occur is a scroll arrow is
> processed prior to the previous scroll being stable.

this most happend in this case :

      DO WHILE (nKey := INKEY()) == 0 .AND. !oBrowse:stabilize()

try to "split it" into

      DO WHILE (nKey := INKEY(0.01)) == 0
         IF oBrowse:stabilize()
      IF oBrowse:stable

> Any other items to consider?

yes, sometimes problem using "oBrowse:autoLite := .F." with
oBrowse:COLORRECT( {oBrowse:ROWPOS, 1, oBrowse:ROWPOS, oBrowse:COLCOUNT},
{ 2, 1 })
oBrowse:HILITE() / oBrowse:DeHILITE()
when try to use up-arrow/down-arrow (work with pgup / pgdown )

... but it is very easy to migrate TBrowse into XbpBrowse and i got a class
from Diego for this Problem 

greetings by OHR
Michael HoffmannRe: TBrowse experience
on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 12:10:50 +0200
Hello Rodd,

I attach a sample of Cockpit GUI's browse prototype. You can pass two parameters to the executable file:
The dbf filename and an optional ntx filename. Resizing is a lot smoother and it does not create a window for
every column. You can resize and move columns if you like. It's based on the standard ListView control, I
don't use any ActiveX stuff in it. You'll need some Dlls to run it. You can use the ones in the "Cockpit
Com Server Demo" you can download from

Best regards,
