Alaska Software Inc. - Cash drawer with USB POS printer
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AuthorTopic: Cash drawer with USB POS printer
Andrea SousaCash drawer with USB POS printer
on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 02:49:48 +0000

Does anywone know how can I send a comand to a USB POS printer to open acash 
drawer that is conected to that printer?

Georg Lorrig Re: Cash drawer with USB POS printer
on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 21:08:17 +0100

I would assume that you should open the printer and send the command code
just as you would do with a serial printer?

To open the printer, do a fOpen(PRT_UNCNAME, FO_READWRITE), followed by a
fWrite() and an fClose(), and you should be done.

As far as I remember, the PRT_UNCNAME (like \\Serv01\UsbPrintCashier) is



On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 02:49:48 +0000, Andrea Sousa wrote:

> Hello
> Does anywone know how can I send a comand to a USB POS printer to open acash 
> drawer that is conected to that printer?
> Thanks