Alaska Software Inc. - Include Application Order
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AuthorTopic: Include Application Order
Jonathan Leeming Include Application Order
on Fri, 26 Mar 2010 09:25:26 -0600

I'm testing the migration of a Clipper 5.2e to xBase++.  The clipper app 
uses a custom windowing scheme that handles sub-windows.  Any @GETs, 
@SAYs, MEMOEDITs use relative window positioning based upon the 
sub-window's location in the console screen.  This was done previously 
by pre-processing the GETs & SAYs with a header file adjusting the nRow 
& nCols.

I am aware that the which pre-processes the @SAY is used by 
default but can be overridden but are there any other header files that 
are used automatically and is there an order in which they are applied. 
  My print controller functions use @SAY and obviously I don't don't 
want relative printing so I'm trying to think how I need to adjust my 
header files without creating a future headache when xBasee++ changes 
the & files.

Granted with any luck I'll have all the text based screen converted to 
GUI by then but there are 127,000 lines of code (excluding blanks) and 
over 1367 data entry fields & selection boxes.

My question is then what are the default header files that are 
automatically included & in what order are they applied.

Any other pieces of advice / suggestions are more than welcome,
