Alaska Software Inc. - Get Reader in a Command
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AuthorTopic: Get Reader in a Command
Moshe YardenGet Reader in a Command
on Wed, 30 Mar 2011 09:25:26 +0300
Good Mornming,

How do I translate:

   @  6, 12 GET MREMARK SEND reader := {|o| GetMReader(o) }

to a command like:

#command @ <row>, <col> GET <var> GETM                    ;
                        [PICTURE <pic>] 
                        [VALID <valid>] 
                        [WHEN <when>] 
                        [SEND <msg>] 
     =>  SetPos(<row>, <col>) 
; ;
         oGet := GETNEW(<row>,<col>,{|X|IF( X==NIL
,<var>,<var>:=X)},<(var)>,<pic>,<clr>)                                   ;
         oGet:Reader := {|x| GetMReader(x)}                            ;;

from some reason it deosn't work. I compiled it usinf xbase++ in text mode.

*. the get reader: GetMReader(o), works ok in the SEND.

Moshe Yarden