Author | Topic: Picture | |
Holger Koschorreck | Picture on Fri, 24 Nov 2000 23:37:44 +0100 Hi how is it possible to create a Inputmask like old Clipper picture "99:99" in a gui programm oXbp := XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {600,348}, {144,24} ) oXbp:caption := "Entlassungszeit:" oXbp:options := XBPSTATIC_TEXT_VCENTER+XBPSTATIC_TEXT_RIGHT oXbp:create() oXbp := XbpSLE():new( drawingArea, , {768,348}, {84,24} ) oXbp:bufferLength := 5 oXbp:tabStop := .T. oXbp:dataLink := {|x| IIf( x==NIL, ceTIME, ceTIME := x ) } oXbp:create():setData() oXbp:killInputFocus := { |x,y,oSLE| oSLE:getData() } Pictureformat for the input ceTime "99:99" Thanks fo any idea H.Koschorreck ( |