Alaska Software Inc. - TBrowse :gobottom() prior to :stabilize()
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AuthorTopic: TBrowse :gobottom() prior to :stabilize()
Rodd GrahamTBrowse :gobottom() prior to :stabilize()
on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:54:07 -0500
Using Tbrowse in a VIO app, I want to position on the bottom database record 
and the highlight the bottom row of the browse.  This is a historical 
chronological browse where we want to see time ascending as you go down the 
screen and we want to start viewing the most recent rows

In Clipper I used to issue a :goBottom() and set the :RowPos to the 
:RowCount prior to the start of the :Stabilize loop.

In Xbase++, the Tbrowse does not calculate the number of rows consumed by 
the headings/footings and skips back too far in the database.  I have tried 
:configure() after the :goBottom() and before the :Stabilize() loop without 
success.  I would really like to set record/row position before the 
stabilize loop as the loop is embedded in library logic.

Anyone experienced this?  Any solutions or workarounds?

Pascal BoivinRe: TBrowse :gobottom() prior to :stabilize()
on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 13:27:53 -0400
In my derived XbpQuickBrowse:Create, if the current order is a date I do 

So when the browse is open, I see the last 5 records.  Just a GOTO BOTTOM is 
not enough because the browse will only show the last record with a lot of 
empty lines.  Maybe something similar can be done with a TBrowse.
Rodd GrahamRe: TBrowse :gobottom() prior to :stabilize()
on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:05:24 -0500
Actually, it was the :gobottom() method of the Tbrowse.  What I want is for 
the Tbrowse to have the last line highlighted with the last row of data 
within the scope selected when it first starts up.

I am going to workaround by issuing the :gobottom() after an initial 
stabilize all wrapped in a dispbegin()/dispend() to avoid the screen paint 
of the wrong rows.


"Pascal Boivin" <> wrote in message 
> In my derived XbpQuickBrowse:Create, if the current order is a date I do 
> this:
> SKIP -5
> ::GotoRecord(RecNo())
> So when the browse is open, I see the last 5 records.  Just a GOTO BOTTOM 
> is not enough because the browse will only show the last record with a lot 
> of empty lines.  Maybe something similar can be done with a TBrowse.
Pascal BoivinRe: TBrowse :gobottom() prior to :stabilize()
on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:27:51 -0400
I don't use TBrowse, so I was guessing!  With XbpQuickBrowse, the first 
visible line is the active record before the browse is created.

"Rodd Graham" <> a crit dans le message de news: 
> Actually, it was the :gobottom() method of the Tbrowse.  What I want is 
> for the Tbrowse to have the last line highlighted with the last row of 
> data within the scope selected when it first starts up.
> I am going to workaround by issuing the :gobottom() after an initial 
> stabilize all wrapped in a dispbegin()/dispend() to avoid the screen paint 
> of the wrong rows.

Just like the XbpQuickBrowse!  I forgot a few lines in my previous post:

METHOD MyBrowse:Create(...)
   IF ... sort by date ...
    SKIP -5
    ::XbpQuickBrowse():Create(...) //Create the browse with the last 5 
records visible
    ::cursorMode := XBPBRW_CURSOR_NONE
    ::GotoRecord(RecNo())  //Just to be sure
    ::Show()     //Show the browse, else ForceStable won't do nothing
    ::ForceStable()  //Fill the display
    :GotoBottom()  //Place the cursor on the last record
    ::CursorMode := XBPBRW_CURSOR_CELL   //and show the cursor

It's the same logic.