Alaska Software Inc. - FTP Directory
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AuthorTopic: FTP Directory
Stephan KoenigFTP Directory
on Mon, 23 May 2005 07:29:25 -0400
(sorry if this is a repost, but I did not see my posting after 10 hours)

I have FTP Access to a server that has a huge inventory file for me. I need
to download that automated.

I do this using oftp:get("\\invntory\invntory.exe") after I opened the
connection. This works fine.

I need to find out when the file is updated. I could do that by the file
date on the server, but I have no idea how to get the directory data.

I could also juts load the fist few bytes from the file, that has also a
date. But I do not know how to only load a few bytes.

The full download takes several minutes, so that is not an option.