Alaska Software Inc. - SocketRecv
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AuthorTopic: SocketRecv
Raffaele TammeoSocketRecv
on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 18:23:04 +0200
Hi all
I work with ASINET since few days.
My problem is the following:
I don't succeed in receiving data in a server from a client, using socket.
I try to use a socketlisten.
Here is the code running on the server:

nSocketListen := SocketCreate( ,nPort) //create the socket
//now a client connects to me:i try to read data sent
//now i execute the code on the server:
SocketListen(nSocketListen)      //i start listening
nBytes := SocketRecv(nSocketListen, cRead)   //i read the bytes from the 
msgbox("Received data:" + cRead)

In the server I never read any data from client.
I don't get any error at runtime. I get always nBytes=0.
How can i do to get a well working listening? Is there something missing?


I must tell a thing for a full explain:
When i make a send of data (in the client), all the following code works 

nSocketSend := SocketNew(, , , @nError)      //create the new socket
SocketConnect(nSocketSend, , cUrl, nPort)        //create the connection to 
the server
nWritten := SocketSend(nSocketSend, "Hallo everybody")      //i write the 
data well read by the server
Phil Ide
Re: SocketRecv
on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 16:03:07 +0100

When you set a socket to 'Listen', it merely listens for connections on that
socket.  What you must do when a client connects, is create a new socket
which is bound to the incoming client connection and then read from the new

 set to listen mode
SocketListen( nListenSocket )

while !lExit  allow break out of loop on exit condition
   nSocket := SocketAccept( nListenSocket )
   if !(nSocket == NIL)
       process incoming data on nSocket


Phil Ide

Read the docs. Wow, what a radical concept!